「道の島庭園 奄美の里」鹿児島市・”MichinoshimaTeien/Amami no Sato" Kagoshima-city

「道の島庭園/奄美の里」鹿児島市・”MichinoshimaTeien/Amami no Sato" Kagoshima-city






◼︎入場料: 大人1名400円

◼︎:アクセス 鹿児島市電1番系統「谷山」電停下車

”MichinoshimaTeien/Amami no Sato" Kagoshima-city

A Japanese garden in "Amami no Sato" which is the theme of Amami Oshima Island. It is a Japanese garden at the wedding hall. This time I will introduce the traditional Chisen Kaiyu shiki teienn. Area centered on Tsukiyama which reduced Mt.Kaimon-Dake/開聞岳. It is called "Michi no Shima Teien".

◼︎ Name: "Michi no Shima Teien / Amami no Sato"

◼︎TEL: 099-268-0331

◼︎ Business hours: 9: 00-17: 00 (reception until 16:30)

◼︎ Address: 1-8-1 Nanei, Kagoshima City

◼︎ Admission: 400 yen per adult

◼︎: Access: Get off at Kagoshima City Tram No. 1 "Taniyama" tram stop

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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