「伊東玄朴旧宅」佐賀県・”Ito Genboku kyutaku" Saga-pref.







◼︎見学料:無料 ※九年庵の公開期間中あわせて公開、但しその期間中以外の見学の場合は下記の問い合わせ先まで事前に連絡してください。

神埼市役所 TEL0952-52-1111 神埼市教育委員会 TEL0952-44-2296





"Ito Geboku old house" Saga Prefecture

At the foot of the mountain where Kunenan Gardens is located, there are a few attractive spots for autumn leaves. Genboku Ito was born in a farmhouse in Saga, but studied Chinese medicine at the age of 14, and then went to Nagasaki to study under Siebold and became a Western doctor. He became a doctor of the Nabeshima clan, and then became a doctor with a shogun of the Edo Shogunate.

He has been recorded as the first doctor to vaccinate in Japan, but it was not believed that cowpox vaccination was really effective in Japan at that time. However, Nabeshima Naomasa, the teenage feudal lord of the Nabeshima feudal clan who believed in Genboku's suggestion, had his child vaccinate to set an example for the territories. Of course it was a success. Since then, the Nabeshima clan has actively adopted Western medicine.

After this, Genboku will work with doctors in Edo to spread vaccination prevention and establish a Western Medical School (currently the University of Tokyo School of Medicine) in Kanda, Tokyo.

This "Ito Genboku Old House" is open to the public for free during the opening period of Kunenan Gardens. On the stone wall on the slope to Kunenan Gardens is a small thatched samurai residence and a small garden where he lived until he was 21 years old. The mansion is small and simple, but it is studded with beautiful Sukiya designs and there are many things to see. The autumn leaves seen from the room are very beautiful, and it is a place you should definitely visit when you visit Kunenan Gardens.

◼︎ Name: ”Ito Genboku kyutaku"

◼︎ Address: 1675 Kanzakimachiikuha, Kanzaki City, Saga Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 0952-44-2731

◼︎ Visit fee: Free

* It will be open to the public during the Kunenan Gardens, but if you would like to visit during other periods, please contact one of the following in advance.

Kanzaki City Hall TEL 0952-52-1111

Kanzaki City Board of Education TEL 0952-44-2296

◼︎ Parking lot: 130 cars (free) * Use Niiyama Park parking lot

◼︎ Access:

Car: 15 minutes by car from Higashisefuri IC on Nagasaki Expressway

JR: From Kanzaki Station on the JR Nagasaki Main Line, take the Showa Bus bound for Hirotaki / Mitsuse, get off at the bus stop Niiyama Shrine, and walk for 1 minute. 10 minutes by taxi from Kanzaki Station on the JR Nagasaki Main Line

"Ito Genboku kyutaku" Saga-pref.

The doctor's old house in Edo period near Kunen-an. Ito Genboku was the first doctor to vaccinate in Japan. A small samurai residence and garden on the stone wall.


日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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