「旧安川邸 2.」福岡県北九州市・”Former Residence of Yasukawa 2.” Fukuoka pref.

「旧安川邸 2.」福岡県北九州市・”Former Residence of Yasukawa 2.” Fukuoka pref.


 令和4年春から「旧安川邸」の管理者は、同邸と隣接する旧松本邸を運営する一般社団法人西日本工業俱楽部となり、大座敷棟の一部にカフェが新設されました。カフェの担当は北九州市小倉北区に本店を置く「茶論 Salon du Japon MAEDA」。新しくカフェを作るためのリノベーションは文化財保護の観点から建物を傷つけないよう、畳の上にカウンターを置くだけ、という大変シンプルなスタイル。カウンターの上には茶道の釜専用の炉がもうけられお点前全般に対応。また、このカウンターは既存の「氷裂紋の窓」と見事な調和を見せ、新旧2つの設えは互いを引き立てあい、美しく洗練された空間を創り出しています。カフェのおかげで建物は活き活きと蘇ったかのよう。カフェのメニューは安川家の好みを踏襲し煎茶をメインに謳っていますが、抹茶はもちろん「抹茶のジンジャーエール割」など枠にとらわれない斬新な工夫が凝らされ、喫茶を通じて伝統と新しさの融合を体験することが出来ます。価格帯はお茶とお菓子のセット1,100円から、飲み物単品もあります。北九州を訪れたら是非「旧安川邸」に足を運んでください。庭を眺めながら素敵なティータイムをどうぞ。





◼︎営業時間:9:00~17:00 (入館は16:30まで)

◼︎入場料:大人1名 230円

◼︎アクセス:JR鹿児島本線 「九州工大前駅」より徒歩24分。車で5分程。

◼︎駐車場:有り(有料)邸内の「茶論 de Japon MAEDA」の利用者は、支払い時に申請すれば1時間分のみ駐車場の補助券が発行されます。

"Former Residence of Yasukawa 2." Tobata-ku, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Pref ・ 「旧安川邸 2.」福岡県北九州市戸畑区

"Former Residence of Yasukawa" was built in 1934 by Keiichiro Yasukawa (1849-1934), who founded a number of coal-related companies and founded the former Yaskawa Electric, and has been the residence of the Yasukawa family and his family for three generations. One large tatami room of luxurious modern Japanese-style architecture relocated from Wakamatsu in the same city of Kitakyushu in 1897, two north-south warehouses completed in 1945, one Western-style building completed in 1945, completed in 1938. A part of the second main residence building of the Showa period is left.

Since the 4th year of Reiwa, the administrator of Former Residence of Yasukawa has been the Nishinippon Institute of Technology, and the cafe in the Ozashiki Building is in charge of the tea theory "Salon du Japon MAEDA", which has its head office in Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu. I am. In order to protect the valuable cultural assets for cafe sales, the main renovation is to develop a very simple and sophisticated sales style by simply installing a new counter. The existing "Ice Crest Window" and the new counter are in perfect harmony and are excellent. The menu is also elaborate, such as "Matcha and ginger ale", and tradition and new are fused. Not only can you protect the old ones, but you can also experience the new ones. If you visit Kitakyushu, be sure to visit the Former Residence of Yasukawa.

◼︎ Name: "Former Yasukawa House"

◼︎ Address: 1-4-23 Ichieda, Tobata-ku, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture (part of Yomiya Park)

◼︎TEL .: 093-482-6033

◼︎ Regular holiday: Every Tuesday

◼︎ Business hours: 9: 00 ~ 17: 00 (Admission is until 16:30)

◼︎ Admission: 230 yen per adult

◼︎ Parking lot: Yes (charged) Users of "Charon de Japon MAEDA" in the residence can get a parking lot sub-ticket for only one hour if they apply at the time of payment.

◼︎ Access: A 24-minute walk from "Kyushukodai-mae Station" on the JR Kagoshima Main Line. About 5 minutes by car.

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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