「旧山本猪平家」宮崎県 / “Former Yamamoto Ihei House" Miyazaki Pref
◼︎TEL: 0987-25-1905(小村寿太郎記念館)
◼︎営業時間:AM 9:00~PM 5:00
"Former Yamamoto Ihei House" Obi, Nichinan City, Miyazaki Prefecture
Obi, Nichinan City, located in the southern part of Miyazaki City, prospered greatly from the Edo period to the Meiji period due to the sale of Obi cedar, and many large shops lined the streets under the castle. Even today, many buildings from the Edo, Meiji, Taisho, and early Showa periods are preserved. The former Yamamoto Ihei House was built in 1907 in the late Meiji period. It is a very valuable building that has been preserved as a whole as a residential building for a wealthy merchant in Obi at that time. The interior and exterior are made of imported tiles, which were luxury items at the time, and the shoji screens are fitted with plate glass depicting landscapes painted with frosted glass techniques, making it a stylish Japanese-Western style building that was popular in the late Meiji period. This is a building that is the main focus and the garden is not authentic, but there are hand washing basins and garden stones at key points in the garden, and the small garden in front of the entrance with Bird's Nest Fern planted in the alley is an impressive arrangement that cannot be seen anywhere else, so it is well worth seeing for garden fans. We recommend a combined ticket for seven sites, including Obi Castle.
◼︎Name: "Former Yamamoto Ihei Family Home"
◼︎Address: 5-2-26 Obi, Nichinan City, Miyazaki Prefecture
◼︎TEL: 0987-25-1905 (Komura Jutaro Memorial Museum)
◼︎Opening hours: 9:00AM~5:00PM
◼︎Closed: Year-end
◼︎Parking: Obi Tourist Parking Lot