「日向市歴史民俗資料館」宮崎県・“Hyuga City Museum of History and Folklore” Miyazaki pref.


「日向市歴史民俗資料館」宮崎県・“Hyuga City Museum of History and Folklore” Miyazaki pref.


◼︎名称:日向市歴史民俗資料館 庭園(旧河内屋庭園)







◼︎アクセス:日豊本線美々津駅から徒歩約25分 / 宮崎交通バス「立縫いの里」停留所から徒歩2分 /



Japanese garden of Hyuga-city Miyazaki (2)

“Hyuga City Museum of History and Folklore (Kawachi Family Garden)”・Miyazaki pref.

Miyazaki-Prefecture Hyuga-city Mimitsu-town prospered by shipping since ancient times. According to Japanese mythology, His Majesty the Emperor, Jinmu, sailed from the port of Mimitsu to Yamato (Nara). Many merchant houses (Machiya=town house)were lined up in the street of Mimitsu town from the Edo period to the Meiji period. Most merchant houses had a courtyard (Tsuboniwa). Tsuboniwa is also in the Kawachi family's building, which is currently used as the “Hyuga City Historical and Folklore Museum”. The Kawachi family operated a shipping business during the Edo period. There is a garden facing the customer room in the back of the building. It is a small but attractive stoned Karesansui garden.

◼︎ Name: Hyuga Historical and Folk Museum Garden (former Kawachiya Garden)

◼︎ Address: 3244 Mimitsumachi, Hyuga City, Miyazaki Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 0982-58-0443

◼︎ Opening hours: 9: 00-16: 30

◼︎ Closed: Every Monday

◼︎ Price: 220 yen for adults

◼︎ Parking: None (There is a free tourist parking lot within a 5-minute walk)

◼︎ Access: Approximately 25 minutes on foot from Mimitsu Station on the Nippou Line / 2 minutes on foot from the Miyazaki Kotsu Bus "Tachisui no Sato" stop /

About 20 minutes by car from the Higashikyushu Expressway Hyuga IC

We recommend that you park your private car or rental car in the tourist parking lot and visit while walking around the town of Mimitsu. There are other gardens in Mimitsu.

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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