「旧伊藤伝右衛門邸庭園」福岡県・”Kyu Ito Den emon-tei" Fukuoka-pref

「旧伊藤伝右衛門邸庭園」福岡県・”Kyu Ito Den emon-tei" Fukuoka-pref

★名勝/scenic spot ★★★ admin's favorite

"Kyu Ito Den emon-tei" Iizuka-city Fukuoka-pref.











"Kyu Ito Den emon-tei" Iizuka-city Fukuoka-pref.

Chikuho/筑豊 located in the central part of Fukuoka prefecture was a big coal mine which supported Japan's modern industrialization with energy. Many companies developed coal mines, but many also succeeded in developing coal mines individually. Among them, Ito Den emon/伊藤伝右衛門 is a legendary coal mine king. He was born in a poor family and became one of the five major coal mines of Chikuho in no circumstances that he could not even read primary school and can not read the letter. He made his wife a cousin, Empress Taisho, Yanagiyara Byakuren/柳原白蓮. Later, Ito Den emon went to political circle and became a member of the House of Representatives. The luxurious residences and gardens of Ito Den emon, remaining in Iizuka-city, Fukuoka prefecture, were built in the early Showa era from the Taisho era, and tell the current living character of the coal mining king at the time.

The characteristic of this mansion lies in the fact that vulgar adventure hobbies are thoroughly eliminated. In the entire mansion and garden, high-quality furniture of the level suitable for the ritual with the Imperial family and the state-of-the-art style at the time are adopted.

The gardens are divided into three areas, the carting area around the entrance, the courtyard with the role of Roji/露地 of the tea room, and the main Chisen kaiyu-sihki teien .

The main Chisen shiki-teien garden is

a dry stream that spreads pebbles flowing from a dry waterfall stone group

Pond with fountain and luxury stone bridge

Next to the park, there is a huge stone lantern basket

Sukiya hobby kiosk

A lawn square like a modern garden

◼︎ Name: "Former Ito Denemon Garden"

◼︎ Address: 300 Kobukuro, Iizuka City, Fukuoka Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 0948-22-9700

◼︎ Parking lot: Yes

◼︎ Opening hours: 9:30 am to 5 pm (admission is until 4:30 pm)

◼︎ Closed: Every Wednesday

◼︎ Price: 310 yen

◼︎ Access: The direct bus "Ito Denemon" is convenient from the Tenjin Bus Center in Fukuoka City.

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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