「日向景修園」宮崎県・"Hyuga Keishuen”Miyazaki-pref

「日向景修園」宮崎県・"Hyuga Keishuen”Miyazaki-pref



◼︎住所:宮崎県宮崎市大字熊野1443-12 宮崎県総合運動公園ひむかスタジアム横 


◼︎TEL: 0985-58-6543



◼︎アクセス:宮崎自動車道宮崎ICから約10分 JR運動公園駅から徒歩約10分

Hyuga Keisyu-en(1) Chisen teien / Miyazaki-city Miyazaki-pref

Keisyu-en is a large site of 13000 m² Chisen Kaiyu shiki teien. It is in Miyazaki prefecture general athletic park which was separated from the center of Miyazaki city. It was built in the 1960s and 1970s. This garden is characterized by reproducing the famous landscape of Miyazaki prefecture. I was amazed at the big waterfall modeling Takachiho's "Manaino Falls", the big stone composition imitating the landscape of "Nanatsubae” on the Nichinan Coast. The subtropical plant "Island Sharpberi" originally from the Amami Islands is unique to Miyazaki. Koi swim in the pond and you can feed. In addition, tea room and rojigarden are maintained. Before the tea room there is a big aillis pond and in May a splendid flower blooms. Another interesting thing is the ancient tomb garden. A replica of Saitobaru ancient tomb group in Miyazaki pref is made on 3/1 scale in black pine forest. Many stones are placed on the green lawn, Its a unique Karesansui garden that can not be seen elsewhere. In this garden, the stones from the public civil works in Miyazaki Prefecture are collected. And many pine trees that were supposed to be harvested by public civil works were transplanted here. This is a big feature of this garden.

The general athletic park is vast. It may not be easy to find the location of the Japanese garden if it is your first time. Between the hibiscus track and field stadium and the Himuka stadium there is a green tombs, the back of which is the entrance to the Japanese garden.

◼︎ Name: "Hyuga Keishuen"

◼︎ Address: 1443-12 Oaza Kumano, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture, next to Himuka Stadium, Miyazaki Prefectural Sports Park

◼︎ Business hours: 08: 30-22: 00

◼︎TEL: 0985-58-6543

◼︎ Parking Lot: There are many parking lots in Miyazaki Prefectural Sports Park

The closest to the garden is the Central Daini Parking Lot. (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are charged)

◼︎ Access: About 10 minutes from Miyazaki Expressway Miyazaki IC About 10 minutes on foot from JR Undo Koen Station

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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