水俣エコパーク「竹林園」 熊本県・Minamata Eco Park “Chikurinen” Kumamoto Pref

水俣エコパーク「竹林園」 熊本県・Minamata Eco Park “Chikurinen” Kumamoto Pref









Minamata Eco Park “Chikurinen” Kumamoto-Pref

In March 1990, a 58ha landfill was completed by reclaiming Minamata Bay. After that, the park was developed as a green park where everyone, including people with disabilities, can gather and relax on the theme of environment and health. It was completed and opened in June 2007 under the name of "Eco Park Minamata". One of them is "Chikurin Garden". Chikurin means bamboo grove. The garden is centered on a vast circular lawn plaza, and a garden path is set up around it, and 160 types of bamboo and bamboo grass are planted by type, and the Chisenkaiyu-shiki garden is maintained. When approaching from the grassy plaza, the pond has a state beach with pebbles on the front bank, and the pond extends long to the left and right and curves gently to this side. In the pond, there is a stepping stone that crosses to Tsukiyama (artificial hill) on the opposite bank, and Crane Island floats in the pond on the right side of the stepping stone. This crane island is large and unique. Behind Crane Island is the largest waterfall in the garden. Turtle Island floats in the pond on the left side of the stepping stones, and there is a waterfall behind it, but the waterfalls had no water on the day I visited. In addition, the stonework that integrates with the large stone shore edging built on the opposite bank of the pond is a major feature of this garden. It looks like a towering peak, sometimes a waterfall due to its complex stone composition. The stone shore edging alone expresses the mountains and waterfalls that rise in the distance. In addition, the Juniperus procumbens attached to the stone shore edging can be imagined like a mountain forest, or like a fluttering cloud or haze. If you cross the stepping stones to the opposite bank and go up the stone steps, you can sit on the artificial hill and rest for a while with the "town teahouse" and Shia with a plate. Further from the artificial hill to the inner area, there is a stream that drains water into the pond. If you go back in the flow and follow the garden road to the back, you will reach a small waterfall at the headwaters. In this way, the garden is designed with a deep plan view. It is fun to check the names of the bamboos on the plates set up for each type, and to take a walk through the garden road in the cool breeze that passes through the bamboo grove. In addition to this Japanese garden "Bamboo Garden", Eco Park Minamata also has a Western garden "Rose Garden". You can also enjoy the rare rose-scented soft serve ice cream at the shop.

◼︎ Name: Eco Park Minamata “Chikurinen"

◼︎ Address: 1-231-12 Shiomicho, Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture

◼︎ Opening time: 24 hours

◼︎TEL: 0966-62-7501

◼︎ Parking: Yes / Free

◼︎ Access: Private car or rental car is recommended

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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