「御客屋敷 月鐘楼」大分県竹田市・“Okyakuyashiki Gesshourou” Taketa-city Oita-pref.

「御客屋敷 月鐘楼」大分県竹田市




◼︎住所: 大分県竹田市竹田町486-1


◼︎営業時間:水~日曜日 11:00~17:00(L.O16:30)




“Okyakuyashiki Gesshourou” Taketa-city Oita-pref.

The Takeda feudal clan "Guest House" built in 1806. The building where the samurai class stayed as a messenger to the Takeda clan. Also known as "Chou-u-tei" (a mansion where you can hear the sound of rain). It is named after the murmuring of a nearby river that sounds like rain. In the 7th year of culture, a group of astronomical surveyors, Ino Tadataka, also stayed. The deep eaves are designed to prevent the servants from getting wet in the rain. The messenger stayed in the most prestigious room in the Shoin style, which is very samurai-like.

The building faces the east and has a small but prestigious Yakui Gate as the entrance. Passing through the gate, there are several pine trees standing along the earthen wall and a garden with nothing but stone lanterns in the corner. It seems that this was a versatile space that was used as a training ground for martial arts and where the guests stayed together. There is a tea room entrance facing this garden, and Sukiya design can be seen only around it. The formal garden is on the west side of the mansion and is a Karesansui garden that uses the natural cliffs of columnar joints. You can walk in the garden, but the style is mainly to sit in the room and appreciate it. Gardens that utilize the natural cliffs of such columnar joints can also be found in Mimitsu, Miyazaki Prefecture.

The water that seeps out of the rock collects in the water base below the center of the cliff. There is a bamboo grove on the left and a stone garden with stones on the right. The scenery of the lantern architecture in the temple on the mountain, which is the background of the Tsukiji wall behind the garden, is a boroward senary (currently the trees are growing and difficult to see).

Currently this building is open as a cafe. The building itself is preserved as the original without any modification such as renovation, and only the interior is arranged in a modern style. Since the owner of the cafe is a man, the interior is in harmony with the samurai residence. Only the toilet has been refurbished and equipped with a toilet seat with a warm water washing machine for comfortable use. Lunch curry is recommended.

◼︎ Address: 486-1 Taketamachi, Taketa City, Oita Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 0974-63-1008

◼︎ Business hours: Wednesday-Sunday 11: 00-17: 00 (L.O 16:30)

◼︎ Regular holiday: Monday and Tuesday

◼︎ Parking lot: Basically none. The nearby municipal parking lot is free for the first hour only.

◼︎ Access: From the Oita Expressway "Kokonoe IC" exit, take the prefectural road via National Highway 210 to Taketa City

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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