「ホテルマリターレ創世 久留米・創生苑」福岡県 / “Hotel Marital Sousei Kurume Souseien” Fukuoka Pref

「ホテルマリターレ創世 久留米・創生苑」福岡県久留米市 / “Hotel Marital Sousei Kurume Souseien” Kurume City, Fukuoka Pref

「ホテルマリターレ創世 久留米」は、1978年(昭和53年)にホテル・結婚式場として創業。施設は「ホテル・西館」「結婚式場・東館」にわかれ、日本庭園は東館にある。

庭の築庭は創業当時。池泉廻遊式庭園。作庭家は「森 蘊(もり おさむ」1905-1988)。この庭に石灯籠は一基も置かれていない。(初めて石灯籠が庭に置かれたのが室町後期・安土桃山時代)平安時代の「作庭記」の高名な研究者であり古典的な作庭を得意とした森 蘊らしい作庭スタイル。




遣水が池に到達した地点から池の横の側廊はスロープとなり長い直線を斜め上に向けて描いていくのに対し、池は大きく曲線を描いて橋に向かい側廊から離れ、水は下へと流れてゆく。この乖離する2つの方向性の表現構成は絶妙であり、研究者そして工学博士でもあった森 蘊ならではの数学的かつ哲学的な美学に基づくものと言える。






森 蘊はこの庭園に先駆けて1960年に同じ久留米市内の「遍照院・庭園」、また「久留米市立・荘島小学校」の坪庭も手がけている。

◼︎名称:「ホテルマリターレ創世 久留米・創生苑」

◼︎住所: 福岡県久留米市東櫛原町900

◼︎TEL: 0942-35-3511

◼︎見学: 事前にホテルに問い合わせて下さい





◼︎駐車場:有り 200台(施設利用者は無料)

◼︎アクセス: ①JR 久留米駅より車で約5分


      ③西鉄バス 行先番号10 JR鳥栖行  乗車・「JR久留米駅  2番 」 

                      「西鉄久留米駅  6番」


“Hotel Marital Sousei Kurume Souseien” Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture

"Hotel Marital Sousei Kurume" was founded in 1978 as a hotel and wedding hall. The facility is divided into "Hotel / West Wing" and "Wedding Hall / East Wing", and the Japanese garden is in the East Wing.

The garden was built at the time of its founding. Chisenkaiyushiki garden. The garden designer is Osamu Mori (1905-1988). He was a famous researcher of "Sakuteiki" written in the Heian period and specialized in classical garden design. He did not put stone lanterns in this garden. Stone lanterns were first placed in Japanese gardens in the late Muromachi period (Azuchi-Momoyama period), so this garden was designed with the image of an old garden before that.

The garden is built on a gently sloping land, and is surrounded on all sides by the buildings of the east building, such as the tea room, corridor, and wedding hall. The group of buildings that make up the East Building is a low-rise reinforced-concrete building that is unified in a Japanese style, in keeping with the traditional wooden architecture of the tea house. However, they are designed as Japanese-style modern architecture, and the shape of the roof gable is unique and praises contemporary artistry.

There is a round lawn area in the center of the garden. This is a characteristic of modern Japanese gardens since the Meiji era, and is used here for outdoor wedding ceremonies and open-air tea ceremony. A willow tree is planted near the tea room, and the branches swaying in the wind remove boredom from the lawn.

As you walk up the covered corridor on the sloping ground towards the tea-ceremony room, a small stream (Yarimizu) flows alongside. It reminds you of the Heian period "Kyokusui no Niwa". The stream is shining in the sunlight. Before long, Yarimizu moves along the side of the tea room and drifts to the pond beyond. What is interesting here is that the water, which should normally be flowing in the lower direction, is aiming for a higher place. Of course, the flow of water is skillfully divided downward toward the pond, but we fall into the illusion that the water is going up the slope against gravity, which is quite interesting.

From the point where Yarimizu reaches the pond, the aisle on the side of the pond draws a long straight line diagonally upward, while the water in the pond draws a curve while gradually departing from that direction and eventually heads towards the bridge. It becomes a waterfall and flows downward. This two-dimensional composition of expression is exquisite, and is based on the mathematical and philosophical aesthetics unique to Osamu Mori, who was a gardener, researcher, and doctor of engineering.

The pond that receives water from Yarimizu is shaped like a river. It inherits the flow of water. Large and small rocky islands float in the pond, casting beautiful shadows on the surface of the water.

The rocky islands near the water inflow line up to indicate the direction of the water. These rocky islands remind us of the yahakuseki, which represents the fleet of ships dispatched to Horai Island. In other words, Yahakuseki brings a story with a time axis to this garden. It is not certain because the trees around the pond block the view and it is not possible to see clearly, but these rock islands are floating in groups of 3 or more, so it is one of the famous gardening methods of Japanese gardens. There is a high possibility that they are arranged based on the 7-5-3 rule.

Many of the rock islands are beautiful in terms of shape, texture, and color, and do not bore the viewer.

The pond meanders greatly, and when you look ahead, a vivid vermilion curved bridge jumps into your eyes. This bridge is the only artificial addition to the garden.

There is a waterfall right under the bridge, and the sound of falling water is pleasant. The stonework that supports the bridge looks like natural bedrock, giving it a realistic feel as if the natural valley was there from the beginning.

The pond below which the water falls is round and looks like a wide open sea, and the wide surface of the water itself is the highlight, so the rocky island floats a little at the edge. However, I believe that the large rocky island near the pond's outlet is Horaijima. That's the original destination of "Yahakuseki". Water flows out of this pond and returns to Yarimizu to circulate in the garden.

The main trees in the garden are beautiful black pine trees that are kept low and shaped, as well as maples, cherry blossoms, plums, and Kitayama cedar, which is rare in Kyushu. These garden trees are from Kyoto. Large and small azalea shrubs of "Tamamono Jitate" pruned into the shape of a sphere are arranged rhythmically to entertain us.

This garden is also excellent as a "zakanshiki garden", and the view from the glass window of the east building lobby is a picture frame garden itself.

◼︎Name: “Hotel Marital Sousei Kurume Soseien”

◼︎Address: 900 Higashikushiharacho, Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 0942-35-3511

◼︎Tour: Please contact the hotel in advance

    ※This is basically a Japanese garden for facility users.

If you don't want to stay and just want to see the garden

     Let's use the restaurants and cafes of this facility.           


◼︎Regular holidays: Please contact the hotel in advance to confirm.

◼︎Parking lot: Available 200 cars (free for facility users)

◼︎ Access:

①About 5 minutes by car from JR Kurume Station

②About 7 minutes by car from Nishitetsu Kurume Station

③By Nishitetsu Bus

At the bus stop at "JR Kurume Station" or "Nishitetsu Kurume Station"

Take "10・To JR Tosu" and get off at "Police Station".

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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