梅の花・太宰府別荘 / Umenohana, Dazaifu Besso・福岡県 Fukuoka prif.






◼︎営業時間:昼 11時~16時30分 ( 15時30分OS )

     : 夜 16時30分 ~21時 ( 20時OS ) 



◼︎アクセス:①西鉄電車 太宰府駅より徒歩10分

“Umenohana, Dazaifu Besso" Dazaifu City, Fukuoka Prefecture

The former owner of Ume no Hana fell in love with the garden of this mansion at first sight and purchased it. The garden is divided into two areas, the ``Chisen-kaiyushiki garden'' and the ``Roji that belongs to the tea room''. First of all, the pond garden faces the special room "Rinsuitei" in the guest room building newly built by Ume no Hana. This Rinsuitei is a replica of the tea room ``Bosen'' of the ``Kohoan'' sub-temple of Daitokuji Temple in Kyoto, which is the family temple of Kobori Enshu, who was famous as one of the Sengoku warlords and tea masters. thing.

"Roji", which belongs to the tea room, is divided into outer and inner roji with a Yarimizu (stream) flowing from the pond garden as a barrier, and each is a full-fledged one with a seating waiting area.

Based on the copy of Yushintei, a tea room in Kyoto's Sento Imperial Palace, it is a complex tea house with a larger scale. This tea house has multiple tea rooms, and the same number of nijiriguchi (low entrances) and Kininguchi (high entrances). A water basin with a different setting is placed near each entrance, which is rich in variety and fun. In addition, the pavement leading to the entrance of the guest room building has a beautiful contrast between cut stone and moss, and the large “Natsume-shaped” water basin in front of the entrance has a pleasant clean sound.

◼︎Name: “Ume no Hana Dazaifu Villa”

◼︎Address: 4-4-41 Saifu, Dazaifu City, Fukuoka Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 092-928-7787 

◼︎Business hours: Lunch 11:00 to 16:30 (last order at 15:30)

     : From 16:30 to 21:00 (20:00 OS)

◼︎Visit: This is a garden where only dining guests can stroll.

◼︎Parking: None

◼︎Access: (1) Nishitetsu train, 10 minute walk from Dazaifu station

日本庭園    The japanese gardens in western Japan

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を中心に紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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