「珈琲童子 珈童 福大通り店」福岡県・“Coffee Doji Co-Do Fukudaidori Ten” Fukuoka Pref

「珈琲童子 珈童 福大通り店」福岡県福岡市

「珈琲童子 珈童・こーひーどうじ こうどう」は先に紹介した 琲蔵人 珈蔵 の姉妹店で福岡だけで展開している。基本コンセプトは同じで庭を眺めながら寛げる和風珈琲館で、モーニングやランチやスイーツもいただける。


◼︎名称:「珈琲童子 珈童 福大通り店」


◼︎TEL : 092-863-7558

◼︎駐車場:10台 (無料)

◼︎アクセス:福岡市営地下鉄 七隈線「野芥駅」下車 徒歩11分(870m)

“Coffee Doji Co-Do Fukudaidori Ten” Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture

``Coffee Kuroud Kakura'' is a sister store to the previously introduced Coffee Kuroud Kakura, and is a chain operating only in Fukuoka. The basic concept is the same: a Japanese-style coffee shop where you can relax while looking out at the garden, and where you can also enjoy breakfast, lunch, and sweets. However, each chain store's garden design is different.

The garden of ``Coffee Doji Co Do Fukudaidori Ten'' is a dry landscape landscape facing the horizontally long glass windows of the audience seats. The garden is U-shaped and surrounded by a white Tsukiji wall with a roof, and the front of the garden (on the building side) is paved with flat gray pebbles. The green ground at the back of the garden slopes up towards the Tsukiji wall like an artificial hill. The garden stones arranged in a line create a zone between the flat land covered with pebbles and the green slope.

As you look from the guest room, the stepping stones on the right as you enter through the Tsukiji fence gate serve as an accent. The row of stepping stones from the building side toward the back of the garden joins the row from the gate from the side, creating an elaborate design even though the stepping stones are short.

Two Holly trees pruned by a gardener are placed on either side of the Tamachirashi shape. A large main stone is placed stably under the hollyi on the left, and stones are erected vertically under the holly on the right to indicate the height, and small and medium-sized stones are placed rhythmically between them. They have no particular religious meaning.

A maple is planted in the middle of the two holly trees to express the seasonal feeling of spring, summer, and autumn, and as a companion, a voluminous shrub of Benishidare type Momiji, whose leaves turn red in spring, is planted in the back left of the garden. .

Hydrangeas are also planted behind the main stone and bloom in early summer.

◼︎Name: “Coffee Doji Codo Fukudaidori ten”

◼︎Address: 1-7-17 Hikuma, Jonan-ku, Fukuoka City

◼︎TEL: 092-863-7558

◼︎Parking: 10 spaces (free)

◼︎Access: 11 minutes walk from Fukuoka Municipal Subway Nanakuma Line “Noke Station” (870m)

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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