「熊本県民総合運動公園・和風庭園」熊本県・“Kumamoto Prefectural Sports Park/Japanese Garden” Kumamoto Prefe





◼︎TEL : 096-380-7599

◼︎駐車場:1500台 (無料)


● 自家用車・・・九州高速道路 熊本I Cから3分。火の国ハイツから約600m。

● 鉄道&タクシー・・・JR豊肥本線「光の森駅」下車、タクシーで5〜10分




“Kumamoto Prefectural Sports Park/Japanese Garden” Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture

The Japanese-style garden at Kumamoto Prefectural Sports Park was built around the same time as the park opened in 1978. A strolling garden with a pond is built on a long, narrow strip of land that stretches from east to west. The pond is divided into a large, rounded east pond that is connected to the gourd pond on the west side by a waterway. There are no islands filled with earth in either the east or west of the pond. A waterfall is dropping water at the west end of the gourd pond to the west. The waterfall is divided into 5 to 7 stages, curving beautifully and musically. It represents Longmen Falls. A boat stone is floating on the ``Hyotan Pond'' into which the waterfall flows, representing a person embarking on an adventurous voyage towards ``East Pond = Great Sea.'' This garden is characterized by the beautiful stone walls of the pond on both the east and west sides. On the south side of the east-west pond, the slope of the sports park, which also serves as an artificial hill for a Japanese-style garden, serves as a beautiful backdrop. A large Yama lantern is placed on the land between the west gourd pond and the east pond, and a gazebo is also installed, making it the center of the scenery. There is a vending machine for carp food in Shia, and on holidays many parents and children enjoy feeding the carp in the pond. This is a place of relaxation for the people of Kumamoto Prefecture.

◼︎Name: “Kumamoto Prefectural Sports Park/Japanese Garden”

◼︎Address: 2-9 Ishihara, Higashi-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 096-380-7599

◼︎Parking: 1500 spaces (free)

◼︎Access :

●Private car: 3 minutes from Kyushu Expressway Kumamoto IC.

- Parking lot B is approximately 600m from Hinokuni Heights.

● Railway & Taxi: Get off at Hikarinomori Station on the JR Hohi Main Line and take a 5-10 minute taxi ride

●Bus: Buses depart from Sakuramachi Bus Terminal ``Stop 16'' and ``Stop 15''.

At "Stop 16", take the [F1-2] bound for "Hikari no Mori Sanko" via "Kokai" and get off at "Undo Koen Iriguchi".

Take the [G1-5] bound for "Ricense Center" at "Stop 15" and get off at "Park Dome Kumamoto-mae".

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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