「雲樹寺」 島根県 / "Unjuji Temple" Shimane Pref


雲樹寺の創建は鎌倉時代末期の元亨2年(1322)、当時の領主が孤峰覚明(三光国師)を招いて開いたのが始まりと伝えられている。 その後雲樹寺は隠岐に流された醍醐天皇の帰依を得て、後醍醐、後村上天皇の勅願寺となり隆盛を極めたが1819年の火災で多くの伽藍を失った。臨済宗妙心寺派。庭園は本堂(方丈)の南に前庭、北に枯山水庭がある。まず本堂・前庭には勅願寺ならではの格式高い勅使門と本堂を挟んだ広い敷地に敷き詰めた白砂に大きな同心円の砂紋が入れられ大らかな印象となっている。前庭の西側には開山堂があり日本最古の朝鮮鐘も。渡り廊下を歩いて本堂の北にまわると山の斜面と狭い平地をに作られた元禄時代作庭と伝わる枯山水庭がある。まず平地は、枯池を中心とし東西に白砂が敷かれている。つぎに斜面を埋め尽くすように玉ものに仕立てられたサツキやツツジが植栽されている。現在この庭をつとに有名にしているのはかの足立全康氏が若かりし頃この庭に通って日がな一日庭と対峙して彼が晩年創設した足立美術館の構想をねったことに起因している。



◼︎TEL: 0854-22-2875


◼︎拝観時間:AM 8:30~PM 5:00



"Unjuji Temple" Shimane Prefecture

Unju-ji Temple is said to have been founded in 1322 at the end of the Kamakura period, when the feudal lord of the time invited the high priest Sanko Kokushi to open the temple. After that, Unju-ji Temple became the imperial temple of Emperor Daigo and Emperor Go-Murakami and reached its peak of prosperity. However, much of the temple was lost in a fire in 1819.

The garden has a front garden to the south of the main hall and a dry landscape garden to the north.

First of all, in the front garden of main hall, there is a formal Imperial Envoy Gate that is unique to imperial temples, and large concentric circles of sand ripples are carved into the white sand spread across the large grounds that sandwich the main hall, giving it a spacious impression. On the west side of the front garden is Kaisando Hall, which also has Japan's oldest Korean bell.

Walking along the connecting corridor to the north of the main hall, there is a dry landscape garden built on the slope of a mountain and a long, narrow plain, said to have been created during the Genroku era of the Edo period.

First of all, the flat land is covered with white sand from east to west, with the dry pond in the center.

Next, azaleas and azaleas shaped into tamamonojitate are planted to fill the slope.

The reason why this Karesansui garden is now so famous is because Zenyasu Adachi visited this garden in his youth and was exposed to it day in and day out, which inspired him to create the Adachi Museum of Art, which he founded in his later years.

◼︎Name: “Unjuji Temple”

◼︎Address: 281 Kiyoimachi, Yasugi City, Shimane Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 0854-22-2875

◼︎Admission fee: 500 yen

◼︎Viewing hours: AM 8:30~PM 5:00

◼︎Parking: Available (free)

◼︎Access: 15 minutes by bus from JR Yasugi Station

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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