「門脇家住宅」 鳥取県 / “Kadowaki Family Residence” Tottori Pref

「門脇家住宅」 鳥取県






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“Kadowaki Family Residence” Tottori Prefecture

The Kadowaki family residence, built in 1769, has a pond garden and a roji.

In addition to the garden, there is much to see about the building, and the main building with its hipped structure and large thatched roof has been designated as an important cultural property. When you enter the building through the entrance and look up, you will see a magnificent view of the huge beams intersecting each other. If you look closely, you can see many `"Susudake'' bamboo on the ceiling, which are high-quality materials used in sukiya architecture and have been smoked with soot for hundreds of years, so don't miss them.

It is difficult to say exactly when the garden was created as there are no documents to know the details, but there is no doubt that it has its origins in the Edo period.

Izumo-style stepping stones are placed in the foreground, and small adorable guardian dogs are placed on either side of the stone bridge that spans one island across the pond. Originally, this garden had a borrowed view of Mt. Daisen, but the view was obstructed by a new house built when the Nanmonwaki family branched out, and it is no longer visible.

There is a roji facing the lower parlor of the guest room, and a tea room on the south side (this tea room can also be accessed from the pond garden side). The roji has the “Basin of Fusen/布泉鉢’’ made of Kimachi stone, a favorite of Fumai Matsudaira, which shows that Shimane and Tottori share the same culture.

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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