「禅昌寺」 山口県 / "Zenshoji Temple" Yamaguchi Pref

「禅昌寺」 山口県

室町時代、1396年大内義弘の時代に開山された寺院。創建以来幾度も大火にあい1850年に再建された本堂はじめ現在の伽藍は江戸時代末のもの。境内は池にかけられた石橋を中心に庭園として設えられ、また本堂裏手に池泉鑑賞式庭園 「澄心池」がある。庭の築庭時期は不明だが山の斜面を築山代わりにするなど古い時代の庭園様式が見られる。他、庫裏にも小さな庭がある。



◼︎TEL: 083-927-0142

◼︎営業時間:AM 9:00~PM 5:00




"Zenshoji Temple" Yamaguchi Prefecture

This temple was founded in 1396 during the era of Ouchi Yoshihiro during the Muromachi period. This temple has suffered many fires since its founding, and the current buildings, including the main hall, which was rebuilt in 1850, date back to the end of the Edo period. The precincts are set up as a garden centered around a stone bridge over a pond, and behind the main hall there is a pond viewing garden called "Seishin Pond''. The date of construction of this garden is unknown, but the garden style of an old era can be seen, with the slope of the mountain being used as a Tsukiyama. There is also a small garden in the warehouse.

◼︎Name: “Zenshoji Temple”

◼︎Address: 1170 Shimokosaba, Yamaguchi City

◼︎TEL: 083-927-0142

◼︎Business hours: AM 9:00~PM 5:00

◼︎Closed days: None

◼︎Parking: Available (free)

◼︎Access: Take the bus bound for Hofu from Yamaguchi Station and get off at the Zenshoji-mae bus stop, then walk 7 minutes.

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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