「海蔵寺」 広島県 / “Kaizoji temple”

「海蔵寺」 広島県


以前より庫裏の北側に元禄2年(1689年)に築造された庭園があったが大正15年の土砂崩れにより埋もれていた。庭園は平成10年に掘り起こされ修復された。庭園面積は約380平方メートル(東西幅約20m、 南北 奥行 約19m)池泉の面積は約66平方メートルで形はほぼ三角形に近い。水源は滝から流れ落ちる少量の水と池底からの湧水で年間を通して水が枯れることはない。池泉の背後にせまる山畔を築山の代わりとしている。山畔が急勾配であるため土留を兼ねて池泉護岸から多数の石を積み上げられ、特に滝石組周辺には横石を主体をした独特の石組が見られこの庭の大きな特色となっている。


◼︎住所: 広島県広島市西区田方1丁目1−3

◼︎TEL: 082-271-1054





"Kaizoji Temple" Hiroshima Prefecture / "Kaizoji temple"

"Kaizoji Temple" Hiroshima Prefecture

Kaizoji Temple is said to have been founded in the late 14th century to early 15th century by Jigen Zenji, who came from the Ming dynasty (now a Soto sect temple).

To the north of the building was a garden built in 1689, but it was buried by a landslide in 1926. The garden was excavated and restored in 1998. The garden area is about 380 square meters (about 20 meters wide from east to west, about 19 meters deep from north to south). The pond area is about 66 square meters and is almost triangular in shape. The water source is a small amount of water flowing down from the waterfall and spring water from the bottom of the pond, so the water never dries up throughout the year. The slope of the mountain behind the pond is used as a substitute for Tsukiyama. Because the mountain slope is steep, many stones were piled up from the pond bank to hold back the soil, and the unique stonework, mainly consisting of horizontal stones, can be seen around the waterfall rockwork, which is a major feature of this garden.

◼︎Name: "Kaizoji Temple"

◼︎Address: 1-1-3 Tagata, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 082-271-1054

◼︎Opening hours: Please visit within a reasonable time frame

◼︎Closed days: None

◼︎Parking: Available

◼︎Access: 13 minutes walk from Tagata bus stop

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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