「畔亭」 山口県 / “Hotori-tei” Yamaguchi-pref.

「畔亭」 山口県萩市

「畔亭・ほとりてい」は萩市旧市街の中心部に位置する古民家カフェレストランです。この屋敷はかっては萩を代表した網元(あみもと)・山城家の屋敷でした。庭園は山城家所有時代の1955年頃に作庭されたもので、当時の山城家の当主が2年をかけて全国の庭園を巡って構想を練り、萩市の廣兼造園 (菊屋家住宅庭園の管理を担当)に依頼して作庭にあたらせました。その後、屋敷の所有は畔合(くろごう)家に移り、現在はカフェレストラン「畔亭/ ほとりてい」として営業しています。

 畔亭は800坪にも及ぶ広大な敷地を有します。庭園は主屋の北東~南に沿って作られ、美しい松やモミジ、また玉もの仕立てのサツキなどがバランスよく植えられています。2階建ての西棟・座敷からのぞむ風景がこの庭園の正面です。庭園中央の平地には白砂が敷かれ、その上にリズミカルに飛び石が配されています。庭は背後がわずかに高くなっていますが、総じて高低差は少なく平庭の印象です。明確に築山を設けない分、背後に大きな立石を林立させた迫力ある構成をとり、右手の三尊石と石の五重塔を庭の中心とし、左手には行手を阻むようにそびえる立石群をもうけ奥には枯滝石組を置き、想像の滝水を手前の枯池へと流し、石橋を架け、手前の白砂の海へと至らせています。陰影・高低差・奥行に富む景観はまさに古代中国の漢詩に謳われた深山幽谷の如しです。見どころの一つは置かれた菊花型手水鉢です。この美しい手水鉢は1890年(明治二十三年)に伊藤博文が神奈川県小田原 (1897年大磯に移転)に建てた別邸「滄浪閣(そうろうかく)」から移されたものです。滄浪閣には1893年に明治天皇のお二人の皇女が避寒の為滞在されており、その繋がりも考えられる由緒ある一品です。またこの他に、庭内には菊花紋章の浮彫を火袋に持つ石灯籠があります。こちらは京都・二条城にあったものと伝えられています。畔亭・庭園は、品格高い萩にふさわしい由緒ある景物が揃った素晴らしい庭です。


◼︎所在: 山口県萩市大字南片河町62

◼︎TEL: 0838-22-1755

◼︎営業時間: AM 11:00 ~ PM 4:00 (3:30 LO)

◼︎定休日:不定休 ※来店前に電話で確認して下さい。





“Hotori-tei “Hagi-city Yamaguchi-pref.

"Hotori-tei" is a cafe restaurant located in the center of the old town of Hagi City. It was the residence of the Yamashiro family who was the most successful a fishermen's boss in Hagi. The garden was built around 1955. At the time, the head of the Yamashiro family spent two years planning a tour of the gardens nationwide, and assigned it to Hirokane Landscaping in Hagi City (in charge of the management of the Kikuya family residential garden). Currently, the ownership of the mansion has shifted to "Kurogou family", and it has been operating as "Cafe restaurant Hotorite" for about 20 years.

Hotoritei has a vast site of about 2,650 square meters. The garden faces northeast to south of the main building , and is planted with Japanese maple, pine, and Satsuki.. The view from the first floor of the two-story west wing is the front of the garden. White sand is spread on the flat ground in the center of the garden, and rhythmic stepping stones are arranged on it. The garden is slightly higher in the back, but there is little difference in height, giving the impression of a flat garden. Because there are no artificial hills, it has a powerful structure with large standing stones in the background, three stones representing the three Buddhas on the right, and a five-storied pagoda at the center of the garden. On the left is a group of standing stones, like a vertical stone wall of a rocky mountain, and behind it there is a stonework of a dry waterfall. Continue to the sea of the white sands. This garden creates the time for water to travel and a magnificent landscape full of shadows, elevation differences, and depths, just like Ancient Chinese deep in the mountains.

Also, this garden is very beautiful not only from the front but also from the side. The garden viewed from the west wing with the table seats has a large stepping stone in front and contrasts with the grove as the background, creating a landscape that is deep and rich in perspective. The chrysanthemum flower-shaped water bowl placed beside the west wing is particularly impressive.

It was originally connected to the Imperial Family by Hirofumi Ito, who was the first Prime Minister of Japan, and was set up in a separate house, "Souoraku", built in Odawara, Kanagawa Prefecture in 1890 (Meiji 23). It was moved. In addition, there is a stone lantern with a relief of a chrysanthemum in this garden. This is said to have been at Nijo Castle in Kyoto. The Hotoritei Garden is a wonderful garden with all the venerable elements of a noble Hagi.

Hotoritei's building has been renovated in recent years and reborn as a more comfortable space. The biggest feature is that Kumikozaiku, a Japanese traditional woodwork craft applied to sliding doors, is decorated in the interior.If you order a cold drink at this cafe, coasters and serve that combine square materials like snowflakes Will be That is Kumikozaiku. Combine many of them to create complex and delicate patterns. The coaster is produced by Yoshihara Woodworking Corporation in Masuda City, Shimane Prefecture. This company was responsible for the production of the interior of Hotoritei's renovation. There are many decorations that can only be created with the skills of Japanese artisans, such as the window of Kumikozaiku, counters with mosaic-like slices of square timber, bold wall decorations expressing the flow of rocks and water, etc. There is. Traditional crafts are wonderfully integrated into modern interiors, which adds great value to Hotorite, along with its wonderful gardens.

For lunch at Hotoritei, hamburger steaks with prices between ¥ 1,400 ~ 1,500- are recommended. The dishes are served on a large white Hagi ware plate. Lunch does not include drinks, but during the Hagi Open Garden, which will be held in spring and fall, you can receive a discount of ¥ 200 on drinks when you show your ticket (this is information for 2019). Hotoritei is in a very convenient location, right next to the museums and the Kikuya family residence that everyone visits in Hagi. There is also a parking lot. It is a cafe restaurant that ordinary tourists can use easily. The owner and his wife have long lived abroad and speak fluent English, so foreign visitors should use this cafe.

◼︎Name: "Hotoritei"

◼︎Location: 62 Minamikatagawa-cho, Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 0838-22-1755

◼︎Business hours: 11:00AM ~ 4:00PM (last orders 3:30PM)

◼︎Closed: Irregular holidays ※Please call to confirm before visiting.

◼︎Parking: 7 spaces available (free for Hotoritei customers only)

◼︎Access: 3 minutes walk from Hagi Museum

JR Hagi Station → Take the Hagi Junkan Maru bus westbound, get off at the bus stop: Hagi Museum-mae, 3 minutes walk

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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