「桂太郎旧宅」 山口県 / “Katsura Taro Former House" Yamaguchi Pref
「桂太郎旧宅」 山口県萩市
総理大臣を3度つとめ、拓殖大学を創立した桂 太郎(1848- 1913)の旧宅。萩の家は桂が少年時代に過ごした地に明治42年(1909年)に建てられた大変質素なもので政界引退後に病気の療養や隠居生活を穏やかに楽しむために建てられたものと推察されるが、桂太郎が実際にこの小さな家に住むことはなく家が建てられた3年後の1913年に東京三田の本邸で没している。池は藍場川の水を引き入れた流水式。大きな池ではないが水深があるため重層感のある護岸石組みは変化に富み表情豊かでなかなか立派、そして水辺に降りるハトバの石段があるのは藍場川の庭ならでは。また家の縁側には水琴窟が作られ澄んだ音色を楽しむことができる。
◼︎TEL: 0838-25-3139
◼︎営業時間:AM 9:00~PM 5:00
"Katsura Taro Former House" Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
The former house of Katsura Taro (1848-1913), who served as Prime Minister three times and founded Takushoku University. This house was built in 1909 on the land where Katsura spent his childhood. It is very modest, so it is assumed that it was built for Katsura Taro to recuperate from his illness and spend his retirement life peacefully after his retirement from politics. However, Katsura Taro never actually lived in this small house, and he passed away in 1913, three years after the house was built, at his main residence in Mita, Tokyo.
The pond is a flowing water type that draws water from the Aiba River. Although it is not a large pond, the water is deep, so the layered stonework on the bank is very impressive, varied, and expressive, and the Hatoba stone steps leading down to the water's edge are unique to the Aiba River garden. There is also a water harp on the veranda of the house, where you can enjoy its clear sound.
◼︎Name: "Katsura Taro Former Residence"
◼︎Address: 73-2 Kawashima, Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
◼︎TEL: 0838-25-3139
◼︎Business hours: 9:00AM~5:00PM
◼︎Closed days: Open everyday
◼︎Parking: Available (use the free tourist parking lot behind the adjacent "Former Yukawa Residence")
◼︎Access: About 11 minutes walk from the "Aibagawa Iriguchi" bus stop on the Hagi Circulator Maru Bus (westbound)