「大原邸」大分県/"Ohara Residence" Oita-pref
大原邸は杵築城下町で残されたものの中ではも最も保存状態もよく御用屋敷の名残が残る格式高い武家屋敷。表に面して長さ15m以上にもなる堂々たる長屋門を備え、入母屋造の正面に横幅3.6m 奥行き1.8mにもなる式台玄関を備えている。庭園も大変立派で池には中島が浮かび築山の上には四阿も。平庭の中心には身分の高い来客のための駕籠石が置かれ雨の日でも足元が濡れないように飛び石や延段が並んでいる。大原邸は単なる上級武士の屋敷というより邸も庭も含めてその全体が賓客をもてなす接待のための場所という印象。
◼︎住所:大分県杵築市 杵築207
◼︎TEL: 0978-63-4554
◼︎営業時間:AM 10:00~PM 5:00
"Ohara Residence"Kitsuki-city Oita-pref.
大原邸 / Ohara Residence is a samurai residence where a samurai with high status of the Kitsuki clan lived. The residence already existed in the late 1700s. The garden was made from the latter half of the Edo period to the end of the Edo period. There is a gazebo at the top of Tsukiyama / artificial hill. Because there is Tsukubai in the middle of the stairs, it may have been a tea room in the past.The first characteristic of Kitsuki's garden is that there is a tea room on the top of Tsukiyama . The second characteristic is the stepping stones arranged in the whole garden. The big and small stepping stones and 延段/Nobedan (a short pavement designed with stepping stones) are combined to decorate the surface of the garden while also serving as a passageway. 池泉回遊式庭園 / Chisen Kaiyu shiki Teien.
◼︎Name: "Ohara Residence"
◼︎Address: 207 Kitsuki, Kitsuki City, Oita Prefecture
◼︎TEL: 0978-63-4554
◼︎Business hours: 10:00AM~5:00PM
◼︎Closed days: None
◼︎Parking: None
◼︎Access: About 5 minutes by car from Kitsuki IC on the Oita Airport Road