「芳和荘」山口県萩市 / "Howaso", Hagi City, Yamaguchi Pref

※2022年、芳和荘をひとりで切り盛りしておられたご主人が亡くなったとのこと。 よって現在旅館も閉業となっています。私達は芳和荘に宿泊して建物や庭園を見学することは出来なくなりましたが貴重な資料としてここに投稿します。芳和荘の建物と庭園が後世に残されるよう祈るばかりです。




◼︎TEL: 0838-25-3470





"Howaso", Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture

Higashi Hamasaki in Hagi, where the inn "Howaso" is located, is a district where brothels have been standing since the Meiji era. Howaso was originally a brothel operating under the name "Umeki" and is a building built in the Taisho era that is over 100 years old. The two-story hipped-roofed building surrounds a courtyard in the shape of a square, which is a dry landscape garden with a square plan of about 6m on each side. The front of the garden is the side entered from the west entrance, and there is a large stone for removing shoes in the foreground, and two large standing stones on the left center as the main stone are close together to suggest harmony between men and women. On the left front there is a large fan-shaped flat stone like a prayer stone, a stone lantern, and a fine water basin on the edge. On the right side of the center there is a large mountain lantern, and on the right front there is another more rustic mountain lantern with a different style. There are several stepping stones placed in the green moss-covered area. The courtyard is planted with pines, palm trees, maples, and camellias, and can be viewed through glass sliding doors that appear to have been added and renovated in the early 1950s. As you walk along the corridor, the types of greenery change, allowing you to enjoy different atmospheres, so you will never get bored. The view of the courtyard from the second floor corridor is also exceptional, as you can see the balustrade surrounding it and the square-cut blue sky above. It was my first time to see a courtyard surrounded by two-story buildings of the same height and style, and I was very moved. It reminded me of the medieval European monasteries I studied at as a student. The hiragana characters on the boards of the balustrade that runs around the second floor corridor, which creates a very impressive and decorative effect, are carved into the hidden name of the brothel, "Choushurau (Choshu-ro)", in contrast to the official name of the brothel, "Umeki". This is part of the culture that follows the wordplay of the Edo period, and the hidden name is written in hiragana and repeated in an infinite loop on the balustrade of the corridor like the modern Tokyo Stock Exchange electronic bulletin board, with one extra character "to" inserted in the middle, which is an interesting idea that makes it more difficult to solve the puzzle. Also, for a short time when the morning sun shines on the second floor, the character "Choushurau" appears in white in the shadow of the balustrade that falls on the second floor corridor, creating a play of light and shadow. There are various types and styles of Japanese gardens, but brothels all over the country once had gardens like the one left at Houwaso, which tells us that a genre called "brothel gardens" may have actually existed. Many women may have negative opinions, but after staying at Houwaso and seeing the building, which was once a red-light district, I thought, "There was certainly a culture here, even if it was a heritage with many negative aspects." Houwaso is an undeniable and valuable cultural heritage that conveys to us today the red-light district that existed in Japan from the Edo period to 1958. If you go to Hagi, I highly recommend staying at Houwaso. *Only guests staying at the hotel can view the building and courtyard. If you wish to view the building, please be sure to stay at the hotel. Houwaso is located in the center of Hagi tourism, and is a very convenient location close to restaurants and family restaurants. (November 21, 2019) *In 2022, the owner, who had been running the inn alone, passed away. As a result, the inn has closed. I can only pray that the building and gardens of Houwaso will be preserved.

◼︎Name: "Howaso"

◼︎Address: 2-1 Higashihamasakicho, Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 0838-25-3470

◼︎Business hours:

◼︎Closed days:

◼︎Parking: Available

◼︎Access: About 10 minutes by car from "Shokasonjuku"

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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