「重森三玲 生家跡」岡山県 / "Shigemori Mirei Birthplace" Okayama Pref
「重森三玲 生家跡」岡山県
「重森三玲 生家跡」(しげもりみれいせいかあと)は昭和を代表する造園家・重森三玲(1896-1975)の生家跡。現在では建物はすべてなくなり周囲を田畑に囲まれ石垣で一段高くなった場所にベンチなども置かれて小さな公園のようになっている。この生家跡には大正13年三玲28歳のときの処女作である枯山水庭園が残されている。この庭は本来は現在では吉備中央町吉川公民館に移築されている茶室「「天籟庵(てんらいあん)」の茶庭「松籟園」として作庭されたもの。室町時代後期の枯山水の名作「大徳寺大仙院」の影響を強く受け、大ぶりの枯滝石組から流れ出した砂の河が南へゆったり流れていく様子が見て取れる。
◼︎名称:「重森三玲 生家跡」
◼︎TEL: なし
◼︎アクセス:JR伯備線 備中高梁駅より路線バス吉川行き「八丁畷」バス停下車 徒歩4分(平日5往復。
"Shigemori Mirei Birthplace" Okayama Prefecture
"Shigemori Mirei Birthplace" is the former home of Shigemori Mirei (1896-1975), a representative landscape gardener of the Showa era. All the buildings have now disappeared, and the area is surrounded by fields and has been elevated by stone walls, creating a small park with benches and other facilities. The remains of the birthplace are a dry landscape garden, Mirei's first work in 1924, when he was 28 years old. This garden was originally designed as the tea garden "Shoraien" for the teahouse "Tenrai-an", which has now been relocated to the Yoshikawa Community Center in Kibichuo Town. You can see a river of sand flowing out of the dry waterfall stonework, which was strongly influenced by the dry landscape masterpiece "Daisen-in Temple, Daitoku-ji Temple", and slowly flowing south.
◼︎Name: "Mirei Shigemori Birthplace Site"
◼︎Address: Kibichuo-cho, Kaga-gun, Okayama Prefecture
◼︎TEL: None
◼︎Business hours: Always open
◼︎Closed days: None
◼︎Parking: Available (free)
◼︎Access: Take the JR Hakubi Line from Bitchu-Takahashi Station to the Yoshikawa-bound bus stop at "Hachonawate" and walk for 4 minutes (5 round trips on weekdays.