「萩のお宿 花南理の庭」 山口県 / "Hagi Inn Hananari Garden" Yamaguchi Pref

「萩のお宿 花南理の庭」 山口県萩市

「花南理(はななり)の庭」の名は、宿にある十一代藩主斉元公から授かった掛け軸に記された斉元の号「柳桜亭 花南理」にちなんでいる。



◼︎名称:「萩のお宿 花南理の庭」


◼︎TEL: 090-5704-2406




"Hagi Inn Hananari Garden" Yamaguchi Prefecture

The name "Hananari Garden" comes from the pen name "Ryusoutei Hananari" written on a hanging scroll given to the inn by the 11th feudal lord, Narimoto.

The pond garden, which incorporates natural landscapes, was created over 100 years ago. According to family legend, it was designed by a gardener from Tokyo. The large teahouse with a study and tea room is surrounded by an area of ​​666 square meters, and flowers of all seasons bloom. It is said that Princess Yae, the daughter of Mori Nariakira, the 10th feudal lord of Hagi, who lived in the Nanzono Palace where the Hagi Driving School is currently located, played in the garden.

◼︎Name: "Hagi no Oyado Hananri no Niwa"

◼︎Address: 333 Emukai, Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 090-5704-2406

◼︎Closed: Irregularly

◼︎Parking: 6 regular cars

◼︎Access: About 10 minutes walk from Hagi Bus Center

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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