「紅葉谷公園」広島県 / “Momijidani Park” Hiroshima pref


厳島神社は瀬戸内海にうかぶ宮島にある。 宮島の中央には標高535mの弥山がそびえ平地はほとんどない。 海に浮かぶ厳島神社の裏もすぐ山の斜面で、渓流「紅葉谷川」が流れている。 この一帯は古くから紅葉の名所として知られ、秋には700の紅葉が一斉に赤く染まる。そして川のせせらぎは心を洗うように清らかだ。もちろん海を庭に見立てたという厳島神社もよいが、私達のような庭園愛好者が宮島で見るべき場所はむしろこの紅葉谷川かもしれない。 なぜならその美しい景観は、実は人工的に作られた庭だからである。 今回はその興味深い物語について。

日本は長い歴史の中で、地震や津波などの自然災害を数多く経験してきた。 その都度様々なものが失われ傷つくが、歴史的景観や文化財も例外ではない。

1945年、日本列島を襲った枕崎台風は厳島神社に甚大なる被害をもたらした。 厳島神社裏手の紅葉谷川で土石流が発生。 穏やかな清流は一変し、大量の土砂や石そして倒木が山から海へと凄まじい勢いで流れ落ち、社殿を破壊したのだ。 この台風は、自然および歴史的文化財に甚大な被害をもたらしたのである。



しかし、このプロジェクトには大きな問題があった。 機能だけを優先した無機質なコンクリートのダムは、弥山の自然環境や厳島神社の歴史的環境に適合しない。 もしそのままダムを作ってしまえば美しい景観は台無しになってしまうだろう。 建設に携わる人々が知恵を絞った末にたどり着いた解決策、それはコンクリートのダムを自然石で覆い紅葉谷川を日本庭園化することであった。 そして多くの庭師が宮島に召喚され、大学で最新の土木工学をおさめたダムの専門家たちとタッグを組むことになったのだ。 こうして、「紅葉谷川砂防ダム施設」プロジェクトは本格的に始動したのである。




● コンクリート面は絶対に露出させず、自然石で覆う。



この規則を厳格に守って工事は進められ、2年後に完成となった。 紅葉谷川の820mにわたり7基のsediment control dam が建設され(現在5基が現存)そのうち688mが庭園化された。 言うまでもなくすべてのコンクリートの表面は自然石で覆われ、そして一見自然そのままの見える川床、護岸、川全体そのすべてが、庭師が配置した自然石により設えられ築造されたものだった。 つまり、それは人間による自然の再構築であり、いまだかって存在しなかった新しい日本の庭園と定義すべきものだった。 庭園化された紅葉谷川は周囲の本物の自然と調和し、見事な景観を作り出していた。

1974 年に宮島を訪れた世界的な土壌浸食防止の専門家であるウィーン大学の Dr. Herbert Aulitzky は紅葉谷の自然の美しさを維持したプロジェクトの卓越性や技術力を高く評価したことからもその素晴らしさを伺うことが出来る。

この土木工事の施工において特筆すべきは、日本庭園の伝統工法「かぐらさん」が用いられたことであろう。 庭師たちは土石流で流れてきた巨岩をシンプルな木製の三脚の上から垂らしたチェーンで持ち上げ、適切な場所に移動したのだ。それらの巨岩を見れば「こんなに大きな石をクレーンを使わずに動かせるのか?!」と誰もが驚かずにはいられないだろう。

上流域では、水量が少ない季節は川床を歩くことができるので、ダムとその周辺を間近に観察可能だ。 微妙な機能の違いによりダムのデザインは異なりそれぞれが個性的だ。たとえば第4号砂防ダムは階段状の構造がよくわかる機能を優先した作例だ。第3号砂防ダムは段差が明確でありながらも美しい石組みで機能と芸術性を両立させた作例だ。そして第2号砂防ダムは最も芸術性を尊重した作例と言える。前述した「かぐらさん」を使って巨石を中央に据えたこのダムは、ダイナミックな美しさに溢れている。さらに素晴らしいのはこのダムの下流側の構造が高さ5mもある滝になっている点だ。自然石を積み上げた滝の護岸も見事の一言。まさに自然の滝のようにしか見えないので太古の昔からの自然の風景だと思う観光客も多いはずだ。 しかし、専門知識のある本誌の読者なら、それが日本庭園の伝統的な滝造りの方法に基づいていることにすぐに気付くだろう。

下流域の川岸には数寄屋建築が並び景観と見事に調和している。 それらは古今の文豪や芸術家たちも宿泊した創業150年の老舗旅館「岩惣」の離れである。なかには懸造りで建てられた離れもあるが、もちろん崖は庭師が日本庭園の美意識に基づき自然石をランダムに積み上げたもので、それら不定形の石の上に光付でのせられた細い柱がサーカスの曲芸師さながらに家を支えている。 これらの数寄屋のそばにも見上げんばかりの巨石があるが、それは自然の偉大さ、そしてかってここで行われた土木工事のスケールの大きさを物語り圧巻だ。しかし、この下流域では上流域とは異なり石灯籠や石橋といったいかにも庭園らしい石造景物も点在し穏やかな人里のような印象を私達に与える。このあたりでは夏になると地元の子どもたちが水遊びに興じ、大人たちは旅館で働いている。紅葉谷川は宮島の人々にとってかけがえのない川なのだ。ダムが完成してから75年が経過した現在まで土石流は一度も発生していない。 施設は適切に機能し宮島の自然と歴史的景観、そして人々の暮らしを守り続けている。

2020年12月、「紅葉谷川公園sediment control dam施設」が、意匠性に優れ歴史的価値の高い施設として、戦後に建設された土木施設の中で日本で初めて「重要文化財」に指定された。




◼︎TEL: 0829-30-9141




“Momijidani Park” Hiroshima pref

Itsukushima Shrine is located on Miyajima Island in the Seto Inland Sea. Mt.Misen with an altitude of 535mm rises in the center of Miyajima, and there is almost no flat land. Behind Itsukushima Shrine, the mountain stream "Momijidani River" flows on the slope of the mountain. The area has long been known as a spot for autumn foliage, and in autumn, the 700 autumn foliage turns red all at once, which is a spectacular sight. The murmuring of the rver is clear all year round, and it seems that even our hearts are purified. Rather, the place that garden lovers like us should see in Miyajima might be this Momijidani River. Because surprisingly, the beautiful natural scenery of this charming Momijidani River is actually a man-made garden. This time it's about that interesting story.

Japan has experienced many natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis in its long history. Various things are lost or damaged each time, and historical landscapes and cultural properties are no exception.

In 1945, Itsukushima Shrine was severely damaged by the Makurazaki Typhoon that hit the Japanese archipelago. A debris flow occurs in the Momijidani River behind Itsukushima Shrine. The calm clear stream changed completely, and a large amount of earth and sand, stones, and fallen trees flowed down from the mountains to the sea with tremendous force, destroying the shrine building. This typhoon caused extensive damage to beautiful natural and historical cultural assets.

Three years later, sediment control dams were to be built on Momijidani River.

Mountain streams are prone to debris flows because they flow down steep mountain slopes at once.

However, if humans build a number of dams and make the river bed stepped, the flow will be divided and become gentle, and the sediment will accumulate at each dam, making debris flows less likely to occur.

However, there was a big problem with this project. An inorganic concrete dam that prioritizes only function cannot be suitable for the natural environment of Mt. Misen or the historical environment of Itsukushima Shrine. If people arrogantly build a dam as it is, the beautiful scenery will be ruined. The solution that the people involved in the construction of the dam came up with after much brainstorming was to cover the concrete dam with natural stones and turn the Momijidani River into a Japanese garden. Many gardeners flocked to Miyajima to team up with the latest civil engineering dam experts. Thus, the “Momijidani River sediment control dam facility” project started in earnest.

The following strict rules were established for construction.

● Megaliths, large and small stones should be used as they are, and should not be artificially processed, damaged or damaged.

● Use local stones and do not bring them in from other areas.

● Never expose the concrete surface and cover it with natural stone.

● Do not cut trees.

● Respect the gardener's opinion

Construction proceeded according to this regulation and was completed two years later. Seven sediment control dams were constructed over 820m along the Momijidani River (five of which are currently in existence), of which 688m has been turned into a garden. Needless to say, all concrete surfaces were covered with natural stone. And the river bed, the revetment, the whole river, all of the natural appearances, were laid out by the gardener. In other words, it is a reconstruction of nature by humans, and can be defined as a new Japanese garden that has never existed before. The Momijidani River, which has been turned into a garden, harmonizes with the surrounding real nature and creates a splendid landscape.

Dr. Herbert Aulitzky of the University of Vienna, a world-class erosion control expert who visited Miyajima in 1974, appreciated the excellence of the project in preserving the natural beauty of Momijidani.

It is noteworthy that the traditional Japanese garden construction method “Kagurasan” was used in the construction of this civil engineering work. Gardeners hoisted boulders in debris-ravaged mountain streams with chains hanging from simple wooden tripods and moved them to their proper locations. When I saw those huge rocks, I couldn't help but think, “The gardeners who can move such big rocks without using a crane are amazing!'' 

In the upstream area, you can walk along the riverbed during the season when the water level is low, so you can see the dam and its surroundings up close. The design of the dam is different due to subtle differences in function, so each is unique. For example, No. 4 Sediment Control Dam is an example that prioritizes functions that clearly show the stepped structure. No. 3 Sediment Control Dam is an example of a work that has clear steps and beautiful stonework that combines functionality and artistry. and No.2 Sedement Control Dam can be said to be an example that respects artistry. This dam, with a megalith in the center, is full of dynamic beauty. What is even more wonderful is that the downstream structure of this dam is a waterfall with a height of 5m. The revetment of the waterfall, which is made by stacking natural stones, is also a splendid word. It looks like a natural waterfall, so many tourists think that it is a natural landscape from ancient times. However, the expert reader of this magazine will quickly realize that it is based on the traditional method of building waterfalls in Japanese gardens.

Sukiya-style Houses line the riverbanks in the lower reaches and are in perfect harmony with the landscape. The houses built on the cliffs are built in an architectural style called "Kakezukuri". Of course, the cliffs were created by randomly piling up natural stones based on the aesthetics of Japanese gardens, and thin pillars standing on top of these irregularly shaped stones support the house like circus acrobats. Near these Sukiya Houses, there are huge rocks that show the greatness of nature and the scale of the civil engineering work, which is overwhelming. However, in this downstream area, unlike the upstream area, stone lanterns and stone bridges, which are typical of gardens, are scattered here and there, giving us the impression of a peaceful human village. Around here,In the summer, children play in the water under the watchful eye of their parents, a lifelong memory of peace and love. The Momijidani River is an irreplaceable river for the people of Miyajima. 75 years have passed since the completion of the dams on the Momijidani River, and no debris flow has ever occurred. The facility functions properly and continues to protect Miyajima's natural and historical scenery, as well as the lives of its people.

In December 2020, the Momijidani Ri ver park sediment control dam facility was designated as an important cultural property for the first time in Japan among civil engineering facilities constructed after the war, as a facility with excellent design and high historical value. 

Finally, I would like to mention that this wonderful project was realized thanks to the cooperation of GHQ. As long as this facility is here, Japan's deep appreciation for America will remain forever.

◼︎Name: Momijidani Park

◼︎Address: Momijidani, Miyajimacho, Hatsukaichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 0829-30-9141

◼︎Opening hours: Open 24 hours

◼︎Parking: None

◼︎Access: 20 minutes walk from Itsukushima Shrine

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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