「大友氏館跡庭園」大分県 ・"OtomoShiKanAtoTeien"Oita-pref."



"OtomoShiKanAtoTeien" Otomo Ruins Garden / Oita City, Oita Prefecture

~ An epoch-making attempt to achieve both archaeological protection and garden restoration ~




■施設名称 「南蛮BVNGO交流館」

■住所 大分県大分市顕徳町3丁目2番45号

■TEL 097-578-9191

■入館 無料

■開館 AM9:00~PM5:00(入場4:30迄)

■休館日 毎週月曜 ✳︎第一月曜、祝日、振り替え休日の場合は開館し翌日休館 (翌日が土日の場合は開館)

■駐車場 無料50台

"OtomoShiKanAtoTeien" Otomo Ruins Garden / Oita City, Oita Prefecture

~ An epoch-making attempt to achieve both archaeological protection and garden restoration ~

The Otomo Residence Ruins Garden was discovered by an archaeological excavation by Oita City in 1998. As a result of research, the garden was built about 500 years ago when the Otomo family's 19th head, Yoshinaga. After that, in the latter half of the 16th century, when Otomo was at his peak, it was discovered that the 21st head of the family, Sorin, had renovated the garden into a magnificent pond.

Oita City has been carrying out maintenance work for about five years with the aim of restoring and maintaining the appearance of the garden of Sorin Otomo, and opened to the public on June 5, 2020.

In order to preserve the original garden as an archaeological site, the land is raised by 50 cm, the original is returned to the soil and preserved, and a replica of the stone made by molding is placed directly above it. Then, by scientific research, we analyze the seeds and pollen remaining in the soil, accurately determine the types of garden trees and grasses planted in the garden, and faithfully plant plants such as Pinus parviflora, Yamazakura, Yamatsutsuji, and Kikyo. Restoring to.

The garden style is Chisenkaiyu-shiki, and the pond is 67m east-west and 30m north-south, making it one of the largest gardens in the Sengoku daimyokan. The pond is divided into two parts, east and west, each with a waterfall.

The eastern pond is more like a mountain stream than a pond, and has a powerful and bold structure with megaliths like Azuchi-Momoyama, while the western pond is surrounded by state beaches and is as spacious as the sea. It features a very easy-going and calm structure reminiscent of the Sento Imperial Palace and Shugakuin Imperial Villa. In addition to introducing the history of Mr. Otomo at the "Nanban BVNGO Exchange Center" attached to the garden, you can also experience the Otomo's building, which was the largest mansion of the now-defunct Sengoku daimyo, in VR.

■ Facility name "Nanban BVNGO Exchange Center"

■ Address: 3-2-45, Kentokumachi, Oita City, Oita Prefecture

■ TEL 097-578-9191

■ Free admission

■ Opening AM9: 00 ~ PM5: 00 (until admission 4:30)

■ Closed days: Every Monday ✳︎ Opened on the first Monday, public holidays, and holidays, and closed the next day (open if the next day is Saturday and Sunday)

■ Free parking for 50 cars

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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