「大正寺」福岡県・”Taisho-ji" Fukuoka-pref.

「大正寺」福岡県・”Taisho-ji" Fukuoka pref.


◼︎名称:「龍興山 大正寺」


◼︎TEL.: 093-662-3497




"Taisho-ji" Kitakyushu-city Fukuoka prefecture.

Mirei Shigemori (1896-1975) created four gardens in Kyushu. Komyozenji Temple in Dazaifu, Seirakuji Temple in Fukuoka City (disappearance), Showaen Temple in Beppu City (disappearance), and Taishoji Temple in Kitakyushu City. In other words, Taisho-ji is the second work of Mirei Shigemori left in Kyushu along with Komyozen-ji. Shigemori built a tea room garden "Roji" at Taisho-ji Temple. Although it is a calm expression in a small garden, the expression by mortar like a wave under the veranda of the tea room, the arrangement of stepping stones and Koshikakemachiai stones in the garden, and the Tsukubai stone set of green mud are characteristic of Mirei Shigemori It is a very valuable work that appears. Unfortunately, almost half a century has passed since the gardening, and the damage is remarkable and it is time to restore it. In 1972, Mirei Shigemori's work in his later years. This garden is usually closed.

◼︎ Name: "Ryukozan Taisho-ji"

◼︎ Address: 19-1 Higashidairamachi, Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture

◼︎TEL .: 093-662-3497

◼︎ Visit: Private

◼︎ Parking lot: Yes

◼︎ Access: Private car or rental car is recommended.

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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