「大丸別荘」福岡県・”Daimaru bessou”Fukuoka-pref

「大丸別荘」福岡県・”Daimaru bessou”Fukuoka-pref

大丸別荘は福岡市から車で30分ほどの二日市温泉(筑紫野市)にあります。古来、二日市は太宰府への入口の町でもあり二日市温泉の歴史は古く白鳳時代に遡ります。太宰府に赴任した都人たちにも深く愛され、現在の元号「令和」の出典となった万葉集「梅花の宴 序」を記した大伴旅人は、他にも亡き妻を懐かしんで二日市温泉にちなんだ歌も詠んでいます。当時この二日市温泉は「湯の原」や「次田温泉」(すいたのゆ)などとと呼ばれていました。大丸別荘の大浴場「次田の湯」はそれにちなんでいます。大丸別荘の日本庭園は明治時代に作庭が遡る歴史ある池泉回遊式庭園です。この庭園の周囲はホテルの建物やそれらを結ぶ屋根付き回廊で囲まれています。庭園は3.500坪にもおよび広大で一見すると平庭に見えますが、南の回廊の背後に築山があり滝石組や石垣などもあり石段で上がることもできます。この庭を最も特色付けるのは池に架かる「筑紫(ちくし)橋」でしょう。この橋は檜皮葺・唐破風の屋根を冠しておりまことに雅(みやび)な雰囲気を漂わせています。また橋には腰掛けがあり座って休憩することも可能です。このような橋は京都では珍しくありませんが地方でお目にかかれるのはごく限られた庭だけです。軒先には丸い透かし彫りが入れられた白磁のランプシェードが左右に吊られていますが、これは古い時代のもので他の古い豪邸などでもたまに見かけることがある高価なもの。それをリプロダクトしたものが平成時代に建てられた平安亭・各部屋にも取り付けられ大丸別荘を特色付ける装飾の一つとなっています。池に並べられた沢飛び石を歩けば水面越しに庭園景観は次々に変化し、間近で鯉や蓮などの水生植物を愛でる楽しいひと時を過ごせます。このように大丸別荘を特色付けるのは統一された装飾は他にもあり「次田の湯」や平安亭ラウンジ「松風」の開閉扉の四隅にあしらわれた猪目をアレンジした蓮花のデザインはその一つと言えます。ホテルの敷地内を縫うように流れてきた遣水は庭にでると小さな滝となり池に注ぎ、再び細い流れとなって次の大きな池へと流れ、そのせせらぎの音が耳を楽しませてくれます。また巨石を据えた枯山水に相当する白砂の広場もあり眩しいほどに明るい空間がある一方、木立の奥には赤い鳥居の小さなお稲荷さんもありちょっと神秘的な風景も楽しめ、この大丸別荘の日本庭園はまことに明暗の変化に飛んだ地割りがなされており散策は飽きないものとなるでしょう。また、庭内を歩かずとも、庭に面した客室からは窓側の椅子に座ってくつろぎながら各室異なる額縁庭園を楽しめることは言うまでもありません。






      西鉄大牟田線 特急乗車「福岡天神駅」から17分「二日市駅」下車 タクシーで8分

"Daimaru Bessou" Chikushino city ,Fukuoka Prefecture.

Daimaru Bessou is located in Futsukaichi Onsen hot spring, which is a 30-minute drive from Fukuoka City and a 17-minute train ride on the Nishitetsu Omuta Line Limited Express.

The history of Futsukaichi hot springs goes back to the Nara period 1300 years ago, and was deeply loved by the people who were assigned to Dazaifu near by. Manyoshu contains a song that Otomo no tabito, who was appointed as the Secretary of Dazaifu, nostalgic for his late wife. At that time, this hot spring was called "Yunohara" or "Suitanoyu". The large communal bath "Suitanoyu" at Daimaru Villa is named after it. Daimaru Bessou's Japanese garden is a Chisenkai yushiki garden where you can enjoy walking around the pond, which was started in the Meiji era. The garden is surrounded by hotel buildings and a covered corridor connecting them. The garden is as large as 11570㎡, so at first glance it looks like a flat garden. However, there is an artificial hill behind the southern corridor, and the stonework of the waterfall is also made. The most distinctive feature of this garden is the "Chikushi Bridge" over the pond. This bridge is very elegant with a cypress barge and Hira Karahafu roof. In addition, there is a bench on the bridge where you can sit and rest. Such bridges are not uncommon in Kyoto, but only a limited number of gardens can be found in rural areas. White porcelain lampshades with round openwork are hung on the left and right at the eaves, but these are old-fashioned and expensive ones that are sometimes found in other old mansion. A reproduction of it is also attached to each room of Heian-tei built in the Heisei era and is one of the decorations that characterize the Daimaru villa. If you walk along the stepping stones lined up in the pond, the garden landscape will change one after another over the surface of the water, and you can have a good time up close and admire aquatic plants such as carp and lotus. There are other unified decorations that characterize Daimaru Bessou in this way, and one of them is the lotus flower design with the ingots arranged at the four corners of the wooden frame of the glass door of "Suitanoyu" and Heiantei lounge "Matsukaze". It can be said that. Also, in the garden, you can enjoy the gentle sound of flowing water as you go around the stream pond. In addition, there is a plaza lined with white sand equivalent to dry landscape garden, and there is a dazzlingly bright space, while there is a small Inari shrine with a red torii in the back of the grove, and you can enjoy a little mysterious scenery. The area is very bright and dark, and you will never get tired of walking. It goes without saying that you can enjoy the wonderful view of the picture frame garden while sitting on the window chair from the guest room facing the garden without having to walk in the garden.

■ Name: "Daimaru Bessou"

■ Address: 1-20-1 Yumachi, Chikushino City, Fukuoka Prefecture

■ TEL: 092-924-3939

■ Tour: Only guests are allowed ・ If you wish to visit, please be sure to stay. All rooms are Japanese style, but each room of "Heian-tei" has a dining table that can accommodate four people, so foreigners can stay comfortably.

■ Parking lot: Yes

■ Access: 3 minutes walk from Tenjin to the highway bus "Chikushino Bus Stop"

17 minutes from Nishitetsu Omuta Line Limited Express "Fukuoka Tenjin Station" Get off at "Futsukaichi Station" 8 minutes by taxi

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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