「大内氏館跡庭園」山口県・"Ouchi shi yakata ato garden" Yamaguchi Pref

「大内氏館跡庭園」山口県・"Ouchi shi yakata ato garden" Yamaguchi Pref



◼︎住所:〒753-0093 山口県山口市大殿大路119







"Ouchi shi yakata ato garden" Yamaguchi-city,Yamaguchi Prefecture

"Ouchi shi yakata ato" in Yamaguchi City was the residence, castle, and political center of Mr. Ouchi, who once ruled Yamaguchi. Currently, almost the entire area of ​​the site is a temple called Ryufukuji, and the surrounding earthworks and gates have been restored and maintained along with the excavation.

A total of three garden remains have been discovered. Garden No. 1 is backfilled and cannot be seen. Gardens 2 and 3 have been restored.

First of all, about "No. 2 Garden / Chisem Garden (Pond Garden)". This garden was discovered in an archaeological excavation conducted from 1992 to 1993, and was restored to its appearance in the first half to the middle of the 16th century in 2013. There is a garden road around the gourd-shaped pond, and several building remains for viewing the garden have been found. The gardens excavated from the ground and revived in this way usually lose their mansions and are empty, but this archaeological garden is saved by the beauty of the mountains in the background. Yamaguchi is a basin surrounded by mountains on three sides like Kyoto. Moreover, the mountains are very beautiful because of the large area of ​​natural forest. It seems that there were multiple buildings in this garden so that it could be viewed from many people, but I personally felt that the scenery from the direction where the mountains in the background were borrowed was very beautiful. Imagine what this garden looked like in the past and enjoy it. To change the story, the shape of this pond island is reminiscent of Sesshu's work. Since Sesshu was used by Mr. Ouchi, the possibility of making Sesshu in this garden may not be zero. From Fukuoka to Yamaguchi to Shimane to Tottori to Hiroshima, there are many gardens that are said to have been designed by Sesshu, so it will be fun to travel around those gardens.

Next, about Garden No. 3. A part of the No. 3 garden and dry landscape garden built in the first half of the 16th century has been restored near the hedge outside the grave on the west side of the precincts of Ryufukuji Temple, so don't miss it. This garden was burnt by a fire shortly after it was built, leaving only part of it.

Ryufukuji is a temple built by Mr. Ouchi, and the precincts are set up as a garden, so let's visit it as well. However, only the Dan family can visit the main hall, so please take a quiet tour.

◼︎ Name: Ouchi-shikan Ruins No. 2 Garden (Ikezumi Garden), No. 3 Garden (Karesansui Garden)

◼︎ Address: 119 Odonooji, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture 753-0093

◼︎TEL: 083-922-1009

◼︎ Opening hours: 9: 00-17: 00

◼︎ Regular holiday: None

◼︎ Fee: Free

◼︎ Parking lot: Yes

◼︎ Access: Approximately 5 minutes by car from Yamaguchi Station

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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