「満願寺庭園」熊本県阿蘇郡南小国町・“ Mangan-ji temple Garden ” Minamioguni Aso Kumamoto-pref


鎌倉時代(1185年頃 - 1333年)、阿蘇小国は北条氏の所領でした。文永11年(1274年)文永の役が起こります。いわゆる蒙古襲来です。モンゴル帝国軍人の指揮のもと高麗軍が対馬・博多・唐津に軍事侵攻し日本は建国以来最大の危機を迎えていたのです。同年、鎮西奉行・北条時定が勅宣を受け国土安泰を祈願するため京都醍醐の霊場を九州の中央に位置する南小国に移し五つの坊を建て「満願寺」を開山。侵略が九州内陸部にまで及んだ最悪の事態を想定し徹底抗戦の地として小国を選んだのです。このように満願寺は鎌倉幕府と深いつながりがある寺です。寺の境内には鎌倉時代の北条時定の石塔などが残されており、明治の廃仏毀釈以前までは鎌倉時代の伽藍が多数残っていました。また、寺伝によれば「満願寺が建てられる以前から北条氏と縁の深い梶原一族が作った鎌倉時代の庭がすでにそこにあった」と伝えられており、満願寺庭園を九州最古の庭と考える人もいます。しかし、多くの専門家は現在の庭の姿が江戸時代の特徴を多く示しているため、その作庭時期を江戸時代中期頃とみなしているようです。確かにそうなのですが、この庭に多用されている薄い板状の石をつかう技法は江戸時代以前から見られるもので、満願寺庭園と同じ熊本県内に残されている「碧巌寺庭園」(室町時代)にも共通するものです。また、出島から突き出している亀頭石のような不思議な形の石は、山口県「宗隣寺庭園」(南北朝時代)の池にうかぶ屋根付龍頭船型の舟石に大変よく似ています。また立石の形状もかなり古風と言わざるを得ません。このように満願寺庭園には江戸時代以前の様々な特徴が混在しているように思えてなりません。万願寺庭園はたいへん謎の多い庭です。



◼︎住所:熊本県阿蘇郡南小国町満願寺 2292 

◼︎TEL.: 南小国町観光協会:0967-42-1444




◼︎駐車場: 有り、無料










 “ Mangan-ji temple Garden ” Minamioguni Aso Kumamoto-pref

During the Kamakura period (around 1185-1333), Aso Oguni was the territory of Mr. Hojo. 11th year of Bun'ei (1274) The war of Bun'ei occurs. This is the so-called Mongolian attack. The Korean Army, commanded by Mongol Imperial soldiers, invaded Tsushima, Hakata, and Karatsu. Japan has faced the greatest crisis since its founding. In the same year, Chinzei Bugyo and Hojo Tokisada moved the religious facilities of Kyoto Daigo to Minamioguni, which is located in the center of Kyushu, and established five temples in order to pray for the security of the land. Assuming the worst situation in which the military invasion of the Mongol Empire extended to the inland area of ​​Kyushu, we chose a small country as a place of thorough anti-war. In this way, Manganji is a temple that has a deep connection with the Kamakura Shogunate. The stone pagoda of Hojo Tokisada of the Kamakura period remains in the temple grounds, and many temples of the Kamakura period remained before the abolition of Buddha in the Meiji era. Regarding the garden, the temple says, "Before Manganji was built, there was already a garden in the Kamakura period created by the Kajiwara clan, who had a close relationship with the Hojo clan." Based on this tradition, some garden researchers consider it to be the "oldest garden in Kyushu." However, many researchers think that the gardening in the middle of the Edo period is appropriate from the current appearance of the Manganji Garden. Yes, but the way the stones are erected and the fact that plate-shaped stones are used a lot are techniques that existed in the Muromachi period before the Edo period. It is also common to "Iwaji Garden". And the mysteriously shaped stone protruding from the peninsula looked like a turtle head stone at first, but the stone was made in the Nanbokucho period (336 – 1392) in Sorinji Garden, Yamaguchi Prefecture. Very similar to the covered dragon-headed ship type ship stone. The Manganji Garden has a rich old-fashioned atmosphere before the Edo period. In that sense, Manganji Garden is a very mysterious garden.

•Search for Manganji in the small hot spring town, "Manganji Onsen". It is also a place where you can accelerate by car from the famous Kurokawa Onsen hot spring. Please use it as a reference for your trip.

◼︎ Name: "Manganji Garden"

◼︎ Address: 2292 Manganji, Minamioguni-machi, Aso-gun, Kumamoto

◼︎TEL : Minamiogunicho Tourism Association: 0967-42-1444

◼︎ Regular holiday: None (please contact us before visiting)

◼︎ Fee: Put the amount you decided in the money box at the temple. Donations will be used to maintain the garden.

◼︎ Release time: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM

◼︎ Parking: Yes, free

◼︎ Access:

✲Railroad bus, etc.

• From Aso Station on the Hohi Main Line, take the Kyushu Sanko Bus bound for Beppu and get off at Kurokawa Onsen.

• After that, about 10 minutes by taxi or car.

• From Aso Station on the Hohi Main Line, take the Kyushu Sanko Bus bound for Beppu and get off at Oguni Yu Station.

• Approximately 20 minutes by taxi or car after that.

✲Private car / rental car, etc.

• Approximately 80 minutes from the Kyushu Expressway Kumamoto IC

• Approximately 60 minutes from Oita Expressway Hita IC (via Tsuetate Onsen)

• Approximately 90 minutes from the Oita Expressway Yufuin IC (via Yamanami Highway / Kurokawa Onsen)

• Approximately 45 minutes from Kikuchi Gorge (Kumamoto Prefectural Route 45 Aso Park Kikuchi Line)

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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