「旧松本邸 Vol.1 (西日本工業倶楽部)」福岡県“Former Matsumoto Residence Vol.1 Fukuoka Pref.

「旧松本邸 Vol.1 (西日本工業倶楽部)」福岡県北九州市戸畑区

旧松本邸は、炭鉱を基礎に日本の近代産業の発展に多大な貢献を果たした安川財閥を築いた安川敬一郎の次男・松本健次郎(健次郎は安川敬一郎の兄・松本潜と養子縁組)の邸宅として1912年に完成した。この大邸宅は戦後一時期は進駐軍に接収されていたが返還後1952年一般社団法人 西日本工業倶楽部の設立時に松本家から譲渡された。現在は主に結婚式場・レストランとして活用されている。(2022年春より隣接する安川邸も同倶楽部の管理となった。)







◼︎名称:「旧松本邸」一般社団法人 西日本工業倶楽部

◼︎住所: 北九州市戸畑区一枝1-4-33


◼︎定休日:毎週火曜日定休日 (祝日を除く)





“Former Matsumoto Residence Vol.1 (West Japan Industrial Club)” Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture

The Former Matsumoto Residence was the residence of Kenjiro Matsumoto, the second son of Keiichiro Yasukawa, who founded the Yasukawa Zaibatsu, which made a great contribution to the development of Japan's modern industry based on coal mines. was completed in 1912.

The mansion was occupied by American forces for a while after the war. The Matsumoto family donated the mansion to the West Japan Industrial Club, a general incorporated association established in 1952. Today it is mainly used as a wedding hall and restaurant.

The Former Matsumoto Residence consists of two buildings, a Western-style building and a Japanese-style building, which are connected by a passageway. This time I will only report on the Western-style building.

This Western-style building was designed by Tatsuno Kingo Office, which also worked on Tokyo Station.

This Western-style building is often referred to as the Art Nouveau style, but it originally belonged to the British Gothic Tudor style, and was based on a style called "half-timber," in which the structural wood was exposed outside the walls. be.

The Art Nouveau design, which is partly decorated, is strongly influenced by the style of the period before the heyday of Art Nouveau. They include 'Austrian Biedermeier and the early Vienna Secession', and 'British Arts and Crafts and Charles Leni Mackintosh'. These influences can also be seen in the design of the furniture used in this mansion at the time.

Facing the terrace on the south side of this Western-style building, there is a flat stone-paved plaza where garden parties can be held. This square is Western style. Because there are many cast iron garden chairs and tables lined up with parasols. To the south of this Western Plaza is a purely Japanese-style Japanese garden.

There is a waterfall and a small pond on the west side of the garden, and a dry stream made of pebbles spreads out from the pond toward the east and crosses the garden, serving as a boundary between the Western-style square and the Japanese garden.

For the time being, there is a pond, but this garden is more of a ``Kaiyushiki garden'' that goes around the garden path around the gently sloping artificial hill in the center of the garden rather than Chisenkaiyushiki.

The gently sloping hill does not block the view of the entire garden from the interior of the Western-style building, but on the path around the hill, the view ahead is cleverly blocked by the slope. Bring it.

This garden is designed for two pleasures: viewing from the inside of the window of the Western-style building and viewing while actually walking through the garden.

The Former Matsumoto Residence can also be used by the general public as a restaurant (reservation required). If you let the restaurant know your wishes in advance, you can tour the inside of the building and enjoy a stroll through the garden.

I recommend the lunch course which I enjoyed. After that, let's visit the "Former Yasukawa Residence" right next to the former Matsumoto Residence.

◼︎Name: “Former Matsumoto House” West Japan Industrial Club

◼︎Address: 1-4-33 Ichieda, Tobata-ku, Kitakyushu

◼︎TEL.: 093-871-1031 (Restaurant reservations direct)

◼︎Closed: Tuesdays (except holidays)

◼︎Business hours: 10:00-18:30

◼︎Parking: Free parking available (40 cars)

◼︎Access: 20 minutes by car from JR Kokura Station

10-minute walk from Nishitetsu Bus "Meiji Gakuen-mae" bus stop

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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