「筥崎宮 ラセゾン La Saison」福岡県・Hakozaki-gu Shrine "La Saison" Fukuoka Pref

「筥崎宮 ラセゾン La Saison」福岡市博多区








神苑花庭園の門を右に進めばラセゾン La Saison、左に進めば回遊式花庭園となる。園路に沿って様々な種類の花が植えられ要所要所に景石や紅葉のトンネルなどもあり季節ごとに異なる景色が楽しめる。特にボタンの季節がおすすめ。この他に筥崎宮には社殿の裏手に紫陽花苑もあり毎年6月には参拝客で賑わう。


◼︎名称:庭園フレンチレストラン 筥崎宮迎賓館 ラセゾン La Saison





◼︎アクセス:福岡市営地下鉄2号線 箱崎宮前駅2番出口より徒歩1分

"Hakozaki-gu Shrine Guest House  [ La Saison ]・Fukuoka city.

The restaurant "La Saison" was opened in April 1987 by Hakozaki Shrine in the Shinen flower garden of the shrine. It commemorates the 400th anniversary of the Hakozaki Grand Tea Ceremony held by Hideyoshi Toyotomi during the Azuchi-Momoyama period, and the opening of Subway Line 2 Hakozakigu-mae Station.

This restaurant is a French restaurant positioned as a reception hall for wedding ceremonies at Hakozaki Shrine. However, when there is no wedding ceremony, the general public can also use it (reservation system). We recommend the course lunch that you can choose from 3,300 yen.

The restaurant has large glass windows overlooking the Kresansui garden. The flat area in the center covered with white sand is surrounded by artificial hills in a semicircular shape.

A lone small Tammonojitate azalea is planted in the center of the wave-patterned sand. The flat topiary of azaleas with white flowers blooming in front of you on the left stretches like a peninsula and is unique. A small stone with grass is placed on the arm to protect it, which is cute.

On the artificial hill in the background, black pines are the main trees, and weeping cherry trees are also planted. It's a pity that you can't see the splendid dry waterfall stonework set in the center of the artificial hill because of that.

Personally, I think that the concept of this garden is an expression of "Fukuoka City, which embraces Hakata Bay." It is a perfect garden for Hakozaki Shrine, which has long protected the town of Fukuhaku.

This restaurant has delicious food and friendly staff. The interior of the building is a wonderful design full of unique modernity while using a shrine as a motif. Lunch time in such a dining room while looking at the garden is the best time. The cuisine is not only completely French, but also has an Italian taste, so you can enjoy the best dishes in a gorgeous yet casual and friendly atmosphere. For drinks, we recommend the non-alcoholic champagne Opia. Let's use La Saison to protect garden culture.

La Saison is located on the grounds of the "Shinen Flower Garden" (charged) along the approach to Hakozakigu Shrine, so you can also visit the flower garden when dining. If you go to the right at the gate of Shinen, you will find La Saison, and if you go to the left, you will find Hana Teien. Various kinds of flowers are planted along the garden path, and landscape stones are placed at key points. The season of peonies is especially recommended.

Hakozaki Shrine also has a hydrangea garden, which is crowded with many people every June. In addition, the stone lantern dedicated to Sen no Rikyu, which is located in a sacred area that is normally off limits, is open to the public twice a year. The lantern is a larger version of the famous Kotoin-style lantern, and is worth seeing for those who like Japanese gardens.

◼︎Name: Garden French Restaurant Hakozakigu Guest House “La Saison”

◼︎Address: 4-14 Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture (inside the Hakozaki Shrine Flower Garden)

◼︎TEL: 092-651-1100

◼︎Visit: Only restaurant users can visit.

◼︎Parking lot: Available (Hakozaki Shrine pay parking lot)

◼︎Access: 1 minute walk from Exit 2 of Hakozakigu-mae Station on Fukuoka Municipal Subway Line 2

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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