「御書院庭園」長崎県・”Goshoin Garden" Nagasaki Pref.













◼︎TEL: なし


◼︎公開時間:AM10:00-PM4:00 小野用水沿い散策路の門からのみ入場可能。諫早高校敷地内です、節度ある態度で見学してください。





”Goshoin Garden" Nagasaki Pref・「御書院庭園」長崎県

"Goshoin Garden" Isahaya City, Nagasaki Prefecture

Isahaya City's "Goshoin Teien Garden" was a daimyo garden of a mansion built by the Ryuzoji family (later renamed to the Isahaya family) who became Isahaya lords in 1587.

The Isahaya family owned the mansion where successive generations of family heads lived after the Meiji era, but in 1922, they donated the site to Isahaya City for the construction of the Isahaya Prefectural Junior High School (currently Isahaya Prefectural High School). Therefore, the Goshoin Garden is now on the school grounds.

There are two old drawings depicting the Isahaya residence, one from the early Edo period and the other from the late Edo period, which are valuable historical materials.

According to the old map from the early Edo period, the garden had three islands in a pond fed by a channel from the Honna River, which flows to the north of the mansion. There are no trees drawn in the garden, and it is presumed that it was a Chisenkaiyushiki garden with an artificial hill covered with garden grass. From the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the early Edo period, many such gardens were built in the residences of powerful people in various places. Also in Kyushu, the Otomo clan garden in Oita City, which was excavated and restored in recent years, can serve as a reference for the same period.

The second old picture is from the late Edo period. The depicted pond and surrounding environment are almost the same as the current Goshoin garden. About 200 years ago, when this second picture was drawn, in Isahaya in the late Edo period, the Ono irrigation water for agricultural use was created. It seems The Ono canal still flows adjacent to the immediate south of the Goshoin Garden.

The buildings of the mansion were located in a large area on the north side of the pond where the current Isahaya High School buildings are located. Looking at the old drawings drawn in the early Edo period, we can see that the original Isahaya residence was large in scale. The mansion buildings were connected by covered corridors, with an artificial stream curving beneath the buildings. It is the setting of a mansion of aristocrats in Kyoto.

On the northern bank of the pond, two buildings, the shoin and the living room, were built over the pond. This is also the style of aristocratic shinden-zukuri style. And the shoin's bathing area straddled the pond and reached the island. As far as this drawing is concerned, it can be said that the early Isahaya mansion was as elegant and magnificent as the palace in the capital.

Like the gardens, the buildings have changed with the times. In old drawings drawn in the latter half of the Edo period, the scale of the mansion buildings was reduced due to rebuilding. Unlike the early Edo period, there were no buildings protruding above the pond. As a result of recent excavation research, it is known that the building complex of the Isahaya family residence was rebuilt at least twice, and it is assumed that the reason for the rebuilding of the residence was due to flooding, based on stratum research. .

Until the Taisho period, the buildings of the mansion built in the Edo period still remained, but they were all demolished when the school was built. However, only the shoin was left intact in front of the pond and survived the fires of World War II air raids. However, the shoin was also flooded in 1957 and suffered great damage, and in 1965 it was dismantled as a building in danger of collapse. After that, a new shoin was built on the east side of the pond and is used as a tea room for the tea ceremony club of Isahaya High School.

Today, this garden has become a famous place for flowers with cherry blossoms and azaleas planted, and it is like a park where everyone can relax. Trees that have been neglected for a long time have grown too much and become unsuitable for the garden, and maintenance as an original chisenkaiyushiki garden is lacking. However, as long as the garden remains, there is still the possibility that it can be restored to its original form. Now, let's take a look at old maps and use our imagination to visualize the scenery of the past.

The 8.5-kilometer-long “Ono Yosui”, an agricultural water in the Edo period that flows to the south of the aforementioned Goshoin Garden, has a comfortable walking path surrounded by greenery along the canal. The walking route includes "Goshoin Garden", the nearby old castle ruins "Takajo Park", and the splendid 50m-long stone double arch bridge "Meganebashi" (Edo The end of the era), etc.

◼︎Name: “Goshoin Garden”

◼︎Address: 1-7 Higashikoji-cho, Isahaya City, Nagasaki Prefecture

◼︎TEL: None

◼︎Admission fee: Free

◼︎Open hours: 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Enter only from the gate of the walking path along the Ono canal. It is on the premises of Isahaya High School, so please observe with moderation.

◼︎Open dates: March 1st to May 31st, September 1st to November 30th (closed on Mondays).

◼︎Closed: Every Monday

◼︎Parking: Yes, free. 15 cars in front of Takajo Park Meganebashi, 70 cars in Joyama Park parking lot, each a 5-minute walk

◼︎Access: About 5 minutes on foot from JR Isahaya Station

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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