「持寳院」 岡山県 / "Jihoin" Okayama Pref

「持寳院」 岡山県

持寳院は岡山県児島ジーンズストリート沿いにある古刹。一説によると歴史は天平時代に遡り、室町時代に現在地に移転、境内には江戸時代初期の建物も残されている。境内には京都より現代日本を代表する庭師・北山安夫を招いて作庭された庭があり一般に公開されている。また客殿内には非公開の枯山水の坪庭 「花梨の庭」 「柿の庭」もある。(今回は特別に見せていただいた)

北山安夫氏自身が持寳院での作庭に対する思いをインタビューで語っていますのでご覧ください→ https://jihoin.jp/2022/07/13/featured-on-youtube/



◼︎TEL: 086-472-2240

◼︎営業時間:AM 9:00~PM 5:00



"Jihoin" Okayama Prefecture

Jihoin is an ancient temple located along Kojima Jeans Street in Okayama Prefecture. According to one theory, its history dates back to the Tenpyo period, and it was moved to its current location during the Muromachi period, with buildings from the early Edo period still remaining within the temple grounds. The temple grounds include a garden that was designed by Yasuo Kitayama, one of Japan's leading modern gardeners, and is open to the public. In addition, within the reception hall are the private Karesansui Tsuboniwa "Karin Garden" and "Kaki Garden." (We were given a special tour of the temple this time.)

◼︎Name: "Jihoin"

◼︎Address: 2-5-8 Kojima Ajino, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 086-472-2240

◼︎Business hours: 9:00AM~5:00PM

◼︎Parking: Available

◼︎Access: 15 minutes' walk from JR Kojima Station, 6 minutes' walk from the former Nozaki family residence

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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