「福津市総合運動公園・なまずの郷 和風庭園 」 福岡県/"Fukutsu City General Athletic Park, Catfish Village Japanese Garden" Fu

「福津市総合運動公園・なまずの郷 和風庭園 」 福岡県



また池には鯰が飼われており珍しい。これは公園の西にある神社・大森宮の祭祀一族「河津 興道(かわづ おきみつ)」が京都・船岡山の合戦で致命傷を負いながらも巨大なナマズに一命を救われたという伝承にちなんでいる。この地域では鯰は神の使いとして大切にされているそうだ。


◼︎名称:「福津市総合運動公園・なまずの郷 和風庭園 」


◼︎TEL: 0940-42-8800

◼︎営業時間:4月〜10月 AM 6:00~ PM 9:00、4月〜10月、 11月〜3月 AM 9:00~ PM 9:00

◼︎休園日:12月29~ 1月3日

◼︎駐車場: 有り 450台 無料

◼︎アクセス:JR 福間駅下車 タクシーで約 11分

"Fukutsu City General Athletic Park, Catfish Village Japanese Garden" Fukuoka Prefecture

A Japanese garden created around 1998. It is located in the center of the vast general athletic park.

This Japanese garden very clearly depicts a stream flowing from a waterfall, then flowing down a gentle slope against the backdrop of a small artificial hill with dry landscape gardens, passing rough rocks and a beach with a lighthouse-like Yukimi lantern, passing under a bridge and reaching the ocean, making it the perfect garden for teaching children the stories contained in Japanese gardens.

The pond is unusual in that it is home to catfish. This is based on a legend that Kawazu Okimitsu, a member of the priest family of Omori Shrine, located to the west of the park, was mortally wounded during the Battle of Funaokayama in Kyoto, but was saved by a giant catfish. In this area, catfish are revered as messengers of the gods.

To the west of the Japanese-style garden is a pond with beautiful irises, which bloom in season.

◼︎Name: "Fukutsu City General Athletic Park, Catfish Village Japanese Garden"

◼︎Address: 779-1 Kaminishigo, Fukutsu City

◼︎TEL: 0940-42-8800

◼︎Opening hours: April to October 6:00AM~ 9:00PM, April to October, November to March 9:00AM~ 9:00PM

◼︎Closed: December 29th to January 3rd

◼︎Parking: Yes, 450 cars, free

◼︎Access: Get off at JR Fukuma Station, take a taxi for about 11 minutes

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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