「旧高取邸」佐賀県/"Kyu Takatori-tei" Saga-pref


数寄者で文化人だった炭鉱王 高取伊好(たかとり これよし:1850~1927)の大邸宅。邸内には大きな能舞台や京都の職人に描かせた杉の板戸絵など見どころ満載。美しい中庭と露地がありますが、殆どの場所が写真撮影禁止につきここでその全貌をお見せすることはできません。





◼︎営業時間:AM 9:30~TM 5:00


"Kyu Takatori-tei"Karatsu-city Saga-pref

This is the mansion of Takatori Koreyoshi (1850-1927), a mining magnate and a man of culture. There are many things to see inside the mansion, such as a large Noh stage and cedar wooden door paintings by Kyoto craftsmen. There is also a beautiful courtyard and a Roji, but photography is prohibited in most places, so I can't show you all here.

◼︎Name: "Former Takatori Residence"

◼︎Address: 5-40 Kitajounai, Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 0955-75-0289

◼︎Closed: Every Monday

◼︎Opening hours: 9:30AM~5:00PM

◼︎Parking: Available (free for 1 hour only, additional charges apply after that)

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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