「菜香亭」山口県 / “Saiko tei” Yamaguchi pref.






◼︎TEL: 083-934-3312

◼︎見学時間:PM 9:00~AM 5:00



◼︎アクセス: • 自動車/山口駅より約7分(国道9号沿い七尾山トンネル横)

     • 路線バス/野田学園前バス停下車(徒歩2分)

     • コミュニティバス/野田バス停下車(徒歩3分)

     • JR/山口駅下車(バス及びタクシー)

     • 瑠璃光寺五重塔(国宝)より車で3分

“Saiko-tei “Yamaguchi-pref.  

Saiko-tei is a restaurant where a cook who served the daimyo of the Yamaguchi clan opened in 1877. Politicians such as the Prime Minister of the Meiji to the Showa were regular patrons. Saiko-tei was opened for 120 years and closed in 1996. Buildings and gardens were relocated to the site by citizen movement that wished to preserve Saiko-tei, and since 2004 they have been used as tourism cultural exchange facilities in Yamaguchi city. Visiting fee is 100 yen. We can rent a room and eat with catering.

All gardens are Karesansui style. The main garden is mainly composed of dry waterfalls and dry flow, planting such as autumn leaves and lanterns are arranged in a gentle artificial hill, and the stones are rhythmically arranged. In addition, lanterns, autumn leaves and rocks are arranged in the sand garden over the building of the 120-tatami saloon. Besides these two large gardens, there are two small gardens in the corridor connecting the building and the building, with stone lanterns and hand bowls. The Saiko-tei garden is a valuable example of the restaurant garden in the Meiji era. Of course the amount of calligraphy of the prime ministers of the past as well as the architecture is one of the highlights.

◼︎Name: "Saiko-tei"

◼︎Address: 1-2-7 Tenka, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 083-934-3312

◼︎Visiting hours: 9:00PM~5:00AM

◼︎Closed: Every Tuesday

◼︎Parking: Available (free)


• Car/About 7 minutes from Yamaguchi Station (next to Nanaoyama Tunnel along National Route 9)

• Local bus/Get off at Noda Gakuen-mae bus stop (2 minutes walk)

• Community bus/Get off at Noda bus stop (3 minutes walk)

• JR/Get off at Yamaguchi Station (bus or taxi)

• 3 minutes by car from Rurikoji Five-story Pagoda (National Treasure)

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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