田中義一別邸」山口県 / "Former Giichi Tanaka's villa" yamaguchi-pref
◉料金 100円
◉時間 AM9:00-PM5:00
◉定休 年末年始のみ
◉住所 山口県萩市平安古町164-3
◉TEL 0838-25-3139
◉駐車場 有り/無料
Former Prime Minister of Japan・Giichi Tanaka's villa" Hagi-city yamaguchi-pref.
A mansion completed by a luxurious addition in the Taisho era to a small mansion in the Meiji era. The gorgeous architectural designs of the Taisho era, when the skills of Japanese carpenters reached the peak, are seen everywhere and are a sight to see. The garden is typical of a modern Japanese garden with a large lawn plaza, and a large stone standing slightly above the earth and a gentle population hill that shows the central landscape of the garden. However, the true protagonists of this garden are the five pine trees that gave rise to the name of the mansion, "Gosho-kaku (Meaning/5 pine palace)." Is producing. On the other side of the Hashimoto River is the Daishoin Temple, which is one of the temples with the tombs of the Hagi Clan. The garden of this Tanaka Giichi villa is a Borrowed scenery of the mountain of Daishoin. Moreover, the stepping stones, stone lanterns, and water basins arranged along with the architecture are overwhelmed by the luxurious and elaborate ones as they are the villa of former Prime Minister / Giichi Tanaka. Before this mansion became owned by Tanaka in the Taisho era, it was the mansion of Obata Takamasa. He is a hero of the Hagi domain who saved the Hagi samurai who were in need of life after the Meiji era by "encouraging summer mandarin orange cultivation." Therefore, the summer mandarin orange field is left in half of the garden and it is maintained as "Kankitsu Park". In addition, the Tanaka Giichi villa overlooking the Hagi Hakkei Pleasure Boat is very beautiful with white walls along the river.
◉ Fee 100 yen
◉ Hours AM9:00-PM5:00
◉ Holiday only during the year-end and New Year holidays
◉ Address 164-3 Hiyakomachi, Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
◉TEL 0838-25-3139
◉ Parking available/Free