「法華嶽公園 日本庭園」 宮崎県 / “Hokke-dake Park Japanese Garden" Miyazaki Prefe
「法華嶽公園 日本庭園」 宮崎県
◼︎名称:「法華嶽公園 日本庭園」
◼︎TEL: 0985-78-1943(公園管理事務所)
◼︎営業時間:AM 8:30~PM 5:00
◼︎アクセス:1)宮崎駅 車 60分
宮崎駅 バス 40分 国富バス停下車
国富バス停 タクシー 20分
"Hokke-dake Park Japanese Garden" Miyazaki Prefecture
This dry landscape garden was built in 1993 during the Heisei era in Hokke-dake Park, with Mount Shaka as a backdrop. It depicts the life of water, which changes from rain falling on the mountain into a waterfall, a stream, a river, and finally flows into the ocean, telling a very easy-to-understand story. There is also a gazebo, so you can enjoy the garden at your leisure. There is also an elegant Kyoto-style arrangement, including plantings of Kitayama cedars. There are also stonework on the hill, so you can wander around. The site is 1,300 tsubo (4,000 m2), and walking around the garden with its different elevations is good exercise. The view is also excellent, with a panoramic view of the suburbs of Miyazaki City. The garden was built adjacent to Hokke-dake Yakushi-ji Temple, which was founded in the Kamakura period, and you can visit both.
◼︎Name: "Hokke-dake Park Japanese Garden"
◼︎Address: 4050 Fukatoshi, Kunitomi-cho, Higashimorokata-gun, Miyazaki Prefecture
◼︎TEL: 0985-78-1943 (Park Management Office)
◼︎Opening hours: 8:30AM~5:00PM
◼︎Closed: Every Wednesday
◼︎Parking: Available (free)
◼︎Access: 1) 60 minutes by car from Miyazaki Station
40 minutes by bus from Miyazaki Station, get off at Kunitomi bus stop
20 minutes by taxi from Kunitomi bus stop