「正行寺」福岡県 / “Shogyoji Temple" Fukuoka Pref
浄土真宗大谷派(単立)の寺院。創建は16世紀ですが周囲は西鉄二日市駅前の市街地でビルが立ち並び、境内のお堂はすべて鉄筋コンクリート造で奈良斑鳩の法起寺の写しである三重塔が大変印象的です。境内は庭園として整備され管理も行き届いています。この庭は京都の造園会社・植熊の先代による仕事と聞いています。庭園は門から本堂へとまっすぐ続く石畳の左右に展開する枯山水様式の庭です。使われている石や灯籠などはすべて京都などから吟味したものだけを運んだそうで、いかにも京都ならではの庭師の技が随所に見られます。(ロンドンにある正行寺の末寺・三輪精舎/THREE WHEELS TEMPLE)の枯山水庭も植熊5代目小河正行氏による作庭とのこと)。庭園はお寺の門が開いている時間なら誰でも自由に見学できます。正行寺は雅楽の普及にも大変力をいれており、正行寺雅楽部を母体として生まれた筑紫楽所(ちくしがくそ)を太宰府にて運営し定期的に演奏会を行っています。このような本格的な雅楽部とその専用雅楽堂は国内では東京の宮内庁楽部の他はこの正行寺にしかありません。
◼︎TEL: 092-922-2124
"Shogyoji Temple" Futsukaichi Chikushino City Fukuoka Prefecture
A temple of Jodo Shinshu Otani School (Single). The temple was founded in the 16th century. Chikushino City Futsukaichi is a historic place next to Dazaifu.However, the location of the temple is lined with buildings in the city area in front of Nishitetsu Futsukaichi Station, and all the buildings in the temple are made of reinforced concrete. Among them, the triple pagoda which is a copy of Houki-ji Temple of Nara Ikarugato is very impressive. The entire site of the temple is maintained as a garden and managed well. I heard that this garden is the work of the 4th president of Kyoto-based gardening company Uekuma. Uekuma has a long history from the Edo period. The garden is the Karesansui style, which extends to the left and right of a cobbled road that runs straight from the gate to the main hall. All the stones and lanterns used in the garden carried only the things examined from Kyoto. Kyoto's unique gardener technique can be seen everywhere in the garden. (The garden of THREE WHEELS TEMPLE, a branch of Shogyou-ji Temple in London, is also a garden by President Ve of Uekuma). The garden can be viewed freely by anyone who has the open temple gate. Shogyoji Temple is also very much involved in the spread of Gagaku, and operates Chikushi Gakuso (the Chikushi Gakuso), which was born based on Shogyoji Gagaku Club, and conducts regular concerts in Dazaifu. Such a full-fledged gagaku club and its exclusive gagakudo are found only at this Shogoji temple, with the exception of the Tokyo Imperial Palace Club in Japan.
◼︎Name: "Shogyoji Temple"
◼︎Address: 4-7-1 Futsukaichi Chuo, Chikushino City, Fukuoka Prefecture
◼︎TEL: 092-922-2124
◼︎Business hours: Morning to 5:00 PM
◼︎Parking: None
◼︎Access: 4 minutes walk from Nishitetsu Futsukaichi Station