「爽籟軒庭園」 広島県 / “Souraiken Garden" Hiroshima Pref
「爽籟軒庭園」 広島県尾道市
爽籟軒は町人文化が花開いた江戸時代後期に尾道の豪商であった橋本家の別荘。爽籟とは爽やかな風の響きを意味する。別荘の敷地は現在より広大だったが茶室と茶庭の部分だけが残され公開されている。その茶室「妙喜庵」は1850年に建てられたもので、京都山崎にある茶聖 千利休 作の国宝「待庵」の写しで貴重なもの。
◼︎TEL: 0848-37-1234
◼︎営業時間:●4月~10月 AM 10:00~PM 5:00 ●11月~3月 AM10:00~PM 4:00
◼︎休園日:毎週月曜日〜金曜日 ❊開園は土日祝日のみ
"Souraiken Garden" Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture
Souraiken was the villa of the Hashimoto family, a wealthy merchant in Onomichi during the late Edo period when townspeople's culture flourished. "Sourai" means the sound of a fresh breeze. The villa's grounds were much larger than they are today, but only the teahouse and tea garden remain and are open to the public. The teahouse, "Myoki-an," was built in 1850 and is a precious copy of the national treasure "Machi-an" by tea master Sen no Rikyu in Yamazaki, Kyoto.
◼︎Name: "Souraiken Garden"
◼︎Address: 2-6-6 Kubo, Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture
◼︎TEL: 0848-37-1234
◼︎Opening hours: ●April to October 10:00AM~5:00PM ●November to March 10:00AM~4:00PM
◼︎Closed: Every Monday to Friday ❊Open only on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
◼︎Parking: None
◼︎Access: 20 minutes walk from JR Onomichi Station
Take the bus heading east from JR Onomichi Station and get off at Boujiguchi and walk for 1 minute