「志布志麓庭園群 (2) 天水氏庭園 」鹿児島県 / “Shibusifumoto garden(2) Mr.Amamizu Garden” Kagoshima-pref
「志布志麓庭園群 (2) 天水氏庭園 」鹿児島県志布志市
◼︎TEL: 099-472-1111(志布志市生涯学習課文化財管理室)
◼︎営業時間:不明 (事前に問い合わせしてお出かけ下さい)
◼︎休園日:不明 (事前に問い合わせしてお出かけ下さい)
JR日南線 志布志駅より徒歩約25分
“Shibusifumoto garden(2) Mr.Amamizu Garden” Shibushi-city Kagoshima-pref
Garden of samurai residence in the middle of the Edo period. Karesansui garden where sea stones were placed in Tsukiyama(Artificial hill). Initially, the flat ground in the garden in front of Tsukiyama was covered with sand representing water, but it is not now. Borrowed scenery garden of Shibushi Castle mountains. This garden is the best maintained of Shibushifumoto's gardens.
※The preservation of the gardens of the samurai residences group of Shibushi fumoto has just begun. The ruined samurai residences and gardens will be restored little by little by the Cultural Property Division of the Shibushi City Hall. Currently, there are few gardens suitable for our sightseeing. But once they have been restored, we will be able to see the wonderful gardens. Let's look forward to that day.
◼︎Name: "Amamizu Garden"
◼︎Address: 6605, Shibushichocho, Shibushi City, Kagoshima Prefecture
◼︎TEL: 099-472-1111
◼︎Opening hours: Unknown (please inquire before visiting)
◼︎Closed days: Unknown (please inquire before visiting)
◼︎Parking: Use the free municipal parking lot (Fumoto Bicycle Parking) next to Shibushi Elementary School
◼︎Access: 5 minutes walk from the free municipal parking lot
Approximately 25 minutes walk from Shibushi Station on the JR Nichinan Line