「豫章館」宮崎県 / “Yosho-kan”/Miyazaki-pref







◼︎住所:宮崎県日南市 10丁目1−2

◼︎TEL: 0987-25-9300

◼︎営業時間:AM 9:30~PM 4:30


◼︎駐車場:無し(飫肥観光駐車場利用 一日千円)


"Yoshokan" / Obi, Minamikyushu, Miyazaki Prefecture

Yoshokan was built in 1868 as the residence of the Ito family, feudal lords of the Obi domain. It is located right next to the Otemon Gate of Obi Castle and was named after a magnificent camphor tree that was on the premises at the time. There is a magnificent Yakuimon gate at the entrance, and the paving stones continue straight to the entrance. Unfortunately, you cannot go inside the building. However, you are free to enter and view the garden. The main garden of Yoshokan, the South Garden, is a rare "Bugakuryu" garden in Kyushu. Bugakuryu is a school of gardening that arose in the Tsugaru domain at the end of the Edo period, and is also called "Oishi Bugakuryu" after its founder, Oishi Bugaku, and was popular mainly from the Meiji period to the Taisho period.

The characteristics of the Bugakuryu can be summarized briefly as follows: the central axis is taken from the main building's sitting room (shoin) to the front, and many of the landscapes are centered around that line, and all are located on flat ground. Therefore, the waterfall is a dry waterfall, and rather than using borrowed scenery, many gardens use a guardian stone for the owner to complete the garden. Stone ornaments include mountain lanterns. etc.

As far as the garden of Yoshokan is concerned, the whole area is a grassy square, and is also flat, with dry landscape gardens of different styles created in the center and at each of the four corners. The unusual Jizo statue in the eastern corner, surrounded by a small bamboo fence and looking up at the sky in the upper right, is said to be a power spot. There are many stepping stones in the house, which is also one of the characteristics of the Bugakuryu garden.

The west side of the property is raised by a stone wall, and if you go up the stone steps, you will find a nice atmosphere with a promenade-like garden leading to the teahouse in the back. It is a little difficult to find, so don't miss it. The teahouse has a great view of the town of Obi. You cannot go inside, but you can sit on the veranda and take a rest. There is a small pond on the north side of the house. The pond is covered with a net to keep herons out, which ruins the atmosphere, but the maki trees with their long branches like a gate are magnificent.

◼︎Name: "Yoshokan"

◼︎Address: 1-2 10-chome, Nichinan City, Miyazaki Prefecture

◼︎TEL: 0987-25-9300

◼︎Opening hours: 9:30AM~4:30PM

◼︎Closed: December 29th~31st

◼︎Parking: None (Use Obi Tourist Parking Lot, 1,000 yen per day)

◼︎Access: 15 minutes on foot from Obi Station on the JR Nichinan Line

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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