重森三玲記念館」 岡山県 /“ Mirei Shigemori Memorial Museum", Okayama Pref
「重森三玲記念館」 岡山県
◼︎名称:「重森三玲記念館」 (吉備中央町吉川公民館)
◼︎TEL: 0866-56-7020
◼︎営業時間: 月曜〜金曜日 AM 9:00~PM 4:00、 日曜祝日 AM 10:00~PM 3:00
◼︎アクセス:JR伯備線 備中高梁駅より路線バス吉川行き「吉川」バス停下車 徒歩2分
"Mirei Shigemori Memorial Museum", Okayama Prefecture
This memorial museum was built in 1998 by the former town of Kayo, where Mirei Shigemori was born, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of his birth. It houses valuable materials such as the garden measurements attached to Mirei Shigemori's "History of Japanese Gardens" (35 volumes in total) and his handwritten diary. You can also visit the teahouse "Tenrai-an" (Mirei Shigemori's first teahouse design at the age of 18), which was moved from the site of his birthplace to the same site in 1969. The teahouse is unique in that it has three tokonoma in the "真行草 Shingyo-so" style. The garden of "Tenrai-an" was also newly created by Mirei himself when it was moved in 1969, and it is interesting to compare it with the original garden at the site of his birthplace.
◼︎Name: "Shigemori Mirei Memorial Hall" (Kibichuo Town Yoshikawa Community Center)
◼︎Address: 393 Yoshikawa, Kibichuo Town, Kaga District, Okayama Prefecture
◼︎TEL: 0866-56-7020
◼︎Business hours: Monday to Friday 9:00AM~4:00PM, Sundays and public holidays 10:00AM~3:00PM
◼︎Closed: Every Saturday, New Year's holiday December 28th to January 4th
◼︎Parking: Available (free)
◼︎Access: Take the JR Hakubi Line from Bitchu Takahashi Station to the Yoshikawa bus stop, then walk for 2 minutes