「妙青寺・雪舟庭」山口県 / "Myosei-ji Temple" Yamaguchi Pref

「妙青寺」 山口県下関市




◼︎TEL: 083-772-0336


◼︎アクセス: ・JR川棚温泉駅からタクシーで約5分




"Myosei-ji Temple" Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture

The pond garden behind the main hall of Myosei-ji Temple is said to have been designed by Sesshu in 1416 during the Muromachi period. Originally, it was called Shinji Pond, but the area open to the public is limited to the left corner, and the whole picture cannot be seen due to overgrowth of vegetation. There is an island in the middle, on which a small shrine is enshrined. The stonework on the bank and the stone bridge do not give the impression of the Muromachi period, and are thought to be from a later period. Myosei-ji Temple is located in Kawatana Onsen, and there is a monument with a haiku by the wandering free verse poet Santoka, "I lie in the overflowing water." Yamaguchi Prefecture is blessed with hot springs with good quality water.

◼︎Name: "Myosei-ji Temple"

◼︎Address: 5192 Kawatana, Toyoura-cho, Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi

◼︎TEL: 083-772-0336

◼︎Parking: Available

◼︎Access: ・About 5 minutes by taxi from JR Kawatana Onsen Station

・5 minutes on foot after getting off at Sanden Kotsu "Kawatana Onsen"

・About 30 minutes by car from Shimonoseki IC on the Chugoku Expressway

・About 20 minutes by car from Ozuki IC on the Chugoku Expressway

日本庭園       The japanese gardens

九州と中国地方の日本庭園を紹介するサイトです。 This site introduces Japanese gardens in the Kyushu and Chugoku regions of western Japan with beautiful photographs and explanations in Japanese and English.


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